Übersetzung für '
Sabbath' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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- Until a pump was installed that worked on an automated sabbath clock, an Arab family that lived in the area served as a Sabbath Goy.
- Similarly to Ignatius, Barnabas rejected a literal sabbath that Christians should keep.
- Franz Delitzsch, who sub-titles this psalm "sabbath thoughts", observes that honouring the Sabbath is "is good ...
- Andrews was the first Adventist to write a book-length defense of the sabbath, first published in 1861.
- During the service, he was accustomed to leave the synagogue with his disciples and walk to a nearby field to welcome the Sabbath.
- In the mid-1970s El Al began to schedule flights from airports outside of Israel that departed on the Jewish sabbath and landed in Israel after it had finished.
- Sawonuik also worked as a sabbath goy: a gentile employed by Orthodox Jews to carry out Sabbath tasks that were forbidden to them, such as lighting fires or chopping wood.
- The sabbath is partly observed by refraining from externally creative activities.
- The sabbath prior to passover is called "the Great Sabbath" in Judaism, and it is when each household or community set apart a passover lamb.
- "Shabbat Chazon" ("Sabbath [...] vision" שבת חזון, also "Shabbat Hazon" ) is named for the "Vision of Isaiah over Judah and Jerusalem" (Book of Isaiah 1:1-27) that is read as the Haftarah on this Shabbat at the end of the three weeks between dire straits, which precede the mournful fast of Tisha B'Av.
- Instead it is read on the Sabbath following parashah Pinechas; the parashah for that sabbath is Matot, read separately rather than in combination with parashah Masei as is done in non-leap years.
- Whereas the Great Sabbath in Jewish liturgy occurs the sabbath before the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the sabbath in the midst of the feast is celebrated as a [...].
- The sabbath year (shmita; [...] , literally "release"), also called the sabbatical year or "shǝvi'it" ([...] , literally "seventh"), or "Sabbath of The Land", is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by the Torah in the Land of Israel and is observed in Judaism.
- The Mosaic law left it unclear whether such licence was authorised on the Sabbath. Both Mark and Luke raise the controversy about the sabbath earlier in their respective gospels ([...] and [...]).
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