 Übersetzung für 'Schneeberg' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Schneeberg disease [radiation-induced occupational lung cancer]
Schneeberger Krankheit {f}
Schneeberg tumor [Am.] [type of lung cancer among miners]
Schneeberger Lungenkrankheit {f} [veraltet] [Form des Lungenkrebses bei Bergleuten]
Schneeberg lung disease [radiation-induced occupational lung cancer]
Schneeberger Lungenkrankheit {f}
3 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Schneeberg’s more than 500-year-long history has been shaped by mining more than anything else, laying the very groundwork for the town’s founding.
  • alpina" subsp. "schneebergensis" is endemic to the easternmost Alps of Austria, and is named after the Schneeberg mountain.
  • Puchberg am Schneeberg is a town in the south-eastern part of Lower Austria with approximately 2650 inhabitants.
  • The discovery of new, rich silver deposits in the upper Ore Mountains at Schneeberg and Annaberg led to another mining period in Saxony in the second half of the 15th century.
  • The Stollberg-Schneeberg Reichstag constituency was constituency No.

  • Empress Elisabeth Memorial Church (German: "Kaiserin-Elisabeth-Gedächtniskirche") is a small Roman Catholic church on the Schneeberg in Lower Austria.
  • The Rax, Schneeberg and Hohe Wand are still the most popular mountains in the Gutenstein Alps and the Rax-Schneeberg Group, and they are very well served, with easy access, good viewing points and numerous waymarked footpaths.
  • Veit Hans Schnorr (15 March 1644 in Schneeberg, Saxony - 26 January 1715 in Schneeberg) was a German iron and cobalt magnate.
  • The Schneeberg Railway (...) is a local railway line in Lower Austria running from Wiener Neustadt to the Hochschneeberg mountain.
  • The Schneeberg and Rax lie within the Northeastern Border Alps: Hohe Wand-Schneeberg-Rax Special Area of Conservation ("FFH-Gebiet Nordöstliche Randalpen: Hohe Wand-Schneeberg-Rax").

  • Keilberg (Schneeberg) is a mountain in West-Erzgebirge of Saxony, southeastern Germany, nearby the town Schneeberg.
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