21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The big circles containing an "S"-like curve represent the application of a differentiable function (like the sigmoid function) to a weighted sum.
- A sigmoid function is a mathematical function having a characteristic "S"-shaped curve or sigmoid curve.
- In many applications the units of these networks apply a "sigmoid function" as an activation function.
- The type of function that can be used to describe the curve is termed a sigmoid function.
- Using the logistic sigmoid function for the same data applied in the van Genuchten-Gupta model, the curvature becomes more pronounced and a better fit is obtained.
- In artificial intelligence, especially computer vision and artificial neural networks, a hard sigmoid is non-smooth function used in place of a sigmoid function.
- In agriculture the inverted logistic sigmoid function (S-curve) is used to describe the relation between crop yield and growth factors.
- Rectified linear units, compared to sigmoid function or similar activation functions, allow faster and effective training of deep neural architectures on large and complex datasets.
- An ANFIS neural network doesn't need a sigmoid function, but it's doing the preprocessing step by converting numeric values into fuzzy values.
- A fairly simple non-linear function, the sigmoid function such as the logistic function also has an easily calculated derivative, which can be important when calculating the weight updates in the network.
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