 Übersetzung für 'Skinner' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a skinner | skinners
SYNO B. F. Skinner | Burrhus Frederic Skinner | Cornelia Otis Skinner | ...
Abdecker {m} [jd., der Tiere abhäutet]
skinnerHautabzieher {m}
skinner [dealer in furs]
Pelzhändler {m}
Hautmesser {n}
Häutemesser {n}
Abhäutemesser {n}
skinner [furrier]
Kürschner {m}
2 Wörter
fish skinnerFisch-Enthäutungs­maschine {f}
mule skinner
Maultiertreiber {m}
Skinner box
Skinner-Box {f}
10 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • His occupation was listed as mule skinner.
  • Both the specific epithet "skinneri", and the common name "Skinner's columbine", are named after Skinner.
  • He was born in Glasgow the son of William Rodger, a skinner (leather-maker) and Burgess of the city.
  • One of the latest records of Aura or Ipolyta at court was an order for the skinner Adam Bland to provide rabbit fur to her damask cloak in 1569.
  • The genus name of "Uroskinnera" is in honour of George Ure Skinner (1804–1867), an English merchant, ornithologist and plant collector.

  • Hellen Stirk was married to James Ranaldsone, a skinner burgess of Perth, another of the convicted Perth Martyrs. The couple had one son and two daughters.
  • The Model 52A was introduced 1953 as the world's first mechanical pork belly skinner.
  • The ranch's origins date back to 1881 when a man named Orville Hawkins Smith, a mule skinner, and Lafayette French, a buffalo hunter, began to raise cattle illegally around the Highwood River.
  • "En stjerne skinner i natt" ("A Star Shines Tonight") is a Christmas song written by Eyvind Skeie and Tore W.
  • "Pseudoschwagerina" Dunbar and skinner, 1936, Lower Permia.

  • "Agalinis skinneriana" is a species of flowering plant in the family Orobanchaceae known by the common names Skinner's gerardia, Skinner's false foxglove and pale false foxglove.
  • In 1683 Allan Greer, a skinner from Kilmarnock, pursued Alexander Dickie for £17 Scots.
  • The skinner knife or skinning knife is a professional tool for a skinner. Typically a skinner knife has wide, short, curved blade.
  • blade, and a skinner with a blade of about [...].
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