 Übersetzung für 'Soiree' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a soiree | soirees
soiree [also: soirée]Abendveranstaltung {f} [Abendgesellschaft, Soiree]
soireeAbendgesellschaft {f}
soireeSoiree {f} [geh.]
soiréeAbendgesellschaft {f}
soiréeSoiree {f} [geh.]
5 Übersetzungen
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  • Soiree {f} [geh.] = soiree
  • Soiree {f} [geh.] = soirée
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • ISI is well known for socials, extra-curricular activities like the international soiree (an event which comes up once every two years).
  • The college also hosts a cultural dinner and cultural soiree to showcase and acknowledge students’ talents and achievements.
  • Since its inception, the festival has grown into a prominent cultural soiree for Pune's musical connoisseurs, featuring the foremost musicians of traditional Indian musical forms.
  • Whilst working in London he lived with Jane Davies, a concert singer, whom he met at a Rothschild's soiree in 1910.
  • On March 20, 1988, Akhilbandhu came back from Andal attending a musical soiree, feeling unwell.

  • Admiring his courage, Mary Todd (Marjorie Weaver) invites Lincoln to her sister's soiree.
  • They launched their second collection (Spring 2017) with a soiree at Sunset Tower and a short film collaboration with Kodak.
  • Lawrence arranges for his publisher, the much older Sir Edwin Partridge, to have sex with Elizabeth at a soiree which the couple host.
  • Lawrence 'arranges' for his publisher, the much older Sir Edwin Partridge, to make love to Elizabeth at a soiree the couple hosts.
  • There was a great soiree at 21:30 in the salon of the Bristol, presumably in the first chalet.

  • ly partnered with BaubleBar and executed a pop-up shop in SoHo and partnered with Donna Morgan to hold a secret soiree for industry insiders at the Ace Hotel.
  • Wealthy socialite Madame Delphine LaLaurie holds an extravagant soiree in her mansion.
  • Their 2019 album "Manes De Negocio" is best described by Remezcla as a “socially conscious trap soiree”.
  • Gwen is taught dance and quizzed on history, all in preparation for a soiree that Gwen must attend on orders of Count Saint-Germain.
  • The young composer Mikhail Glinka performs his new work at a soiree at Count Vielgorsky's house.

  • He is the Artistic Director of Music and the City, a popular 'soiree' event for amateur and professional musicians.
  • In 1845 the dramatist Douglas Jerrold presided over a meeting of the Polytechnic where its second literary soiree was held.
  • The band backed Grateful Dead members Bob Weir and Mickey Hart in a series of fund-raisers for Al Gore and Bill Clinton (Tipper Gore played congas during one Silicon Valley soiree).
  • During World War I, when Wallachia was occupied by German forces and many intellectuals had fled to Moldavia, a second literary soiree was held on Thursdays, under the chairmanship of Alexandru Vlahuţă, in the house of professor Eugeniu Bulbuc, where Vlahuţă was temporarily lodged as refugee.
  • In 1870, at the age of 14, Julius Röntgen visited Franz Liszt in Weimar; after playing piano for him he was invited to a soiree at Liszt's house.

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