 Übersetzung für 'Szlachta' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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szlachta [Polish lower nobility]
Szlachta {f} [polnischer Kleinadel]
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'Szlachta' von Englisch nach Deutsch

szlachta [Polish lower nobility]
Szlachta {f} [polnischer Kleinadel]hist.pol.
  • Szlachta {f} [polnischer Kleinadel] = szlachta [Polish lower nobility]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • After passing of the Horodło privileges along with the word "bajary" the term "bajary-szlachta" (баяры-шляхта) or simply "szlachta" (шляхта) was used in documentation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania that was predominantly written in Ruthenian.
  • Urbański had a noble heritage ("szlachta").
  • This led to many social and political tensions, especially as szlachta (Polish and Ukrainian gentry) continually attempted to force the Cossacks into submission as peasants, while the Cossacks demanded significant expansions of the Cossack register.
  • He was marshal of szlachta in Ashmyany.
  • Later, the folwark system was adopted both by the nobility ("szlachta") and by rich peasants (singular: " sołtys"), but the "sołtys" positions were eventually taken over by the "szlachta".

  • "See: Szlachta: Origins of szlachta surnames".
  • The Polish state paralleled the Roman Empire in that full rights of citizenship were limited to the szlachta.
  • This political system, unique in Europe, stemmed from the consolidation of power by the "szlachta" (noble class) over other social classes and over the monarchical political system.
  • The privileges of the "szlachta" (Poland's nobility) formed a cornerstone of "Golden Liberty" in the Kingdom of Poland (before 1569) and, later, in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (1569-1795).
  • Until the Reformation, the szlachta were mostly Catholics ("Pic. ...

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