Übersetzung für '
T Tauri star' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| astron. T Tauri star <TTS> | T-Tauri-Stern {m} <TTS> | |
Teiltreffer |
| artmed.pharm. Fel tauri [oxgall] | Ochsengalle {f} [auch Rindergalle / Rindsgalle in Form von Pulver od. als Flüssigkeit] | |
| unit ton <t., t, sh. t., sh. tn.> [esp. Am.] [short ton] [2000 lb] | amerikanische Tonne {f} <tn. sh> [907,18 kg] | |
| astron. HL Tauri <HL Tau> | HL Tauri {m} <HL Tau> | |
| astron. Wolf-Rayet star <WR star> | Wolf-Rayet-Stern {m} <WR-Stern> | |
| astron. extreme helium star <EHe star> | extremer Heliumstern {m} <EHe-Stern> | |
| astron. mercury-manganese star <HgMn star> | Quecksilber-Mangan-Stern {m} <HgMn-Stern> | |
| four-star {adj} [attr.] <4-star> | Vier-Sterne- [auch: Viersterne-] <4-Sterne-> | |
| hist.pol.quote I couldn't, didn't want to (and still don't want to) deny a clandestine joy. ["Buback Obituary", trans. Sabine von Dirke: "All Power to the Imagination!"] | Ich konnte und wollte (und will) eine klammheimliche Freude nicht verhehlen. [Göttinger Mescalero, Buback - Ein Nachruf] | |
| bot.T Iberian starthistle / star-thistle / star thistle [Centaurea iberica] | Spanische Flockenblume {f} | |
| five-star rating system <5-star rating system> | Fünf-Sterne-Bewertungssystem {n} <5-Sterne-Bewertungssystem> | |
| bot.T morning-star / morning star lily [Lilium concolor] | Gleichfarbige Lilie {f} | |
| bot.T morning-star / morning star lily [Lilium concolor] | Morgenstern-Lilie / Morgensternlilie {f} | |
| nucl. partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T> | Abtrennung und Umwandlung | |
| idiom What I don't know won't hurt me. | Was ich nicht weiß, macht mich nicht heiß. | |
| geogr. T-dot <T.O.> [coll.] [Can.] [nickname for Toronto] | [Spitzname für Toronto, Kanada] | |
| I can't / couldn't help but ... [idiom] | Ich kann / konnte nicht anders als ... | |
| I don't / can't recall her name. | Mir fällt ihr Name nicht ein. | |
| I don't / can't see that happening. | Das kann ich mir nicht vorstellen. | |
| idiom I can't / won't stay long today. | Ich werde heute nicht alt. [ugs.] | |
| If it ain't broke, don't fix it. [idiom] | Man soll nicht reparieren, was nicht kaputt ist. [ugs.] | |
21 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'T Tauri star' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- T Tauri star <TTS>
- T-Tauri-Stern {m} <TTS>astron.
- Fel tauri [oxgall]
- Ochsengalle {f} [auch Rindergalle / Rindsgalle in Form von Pulver od. als Flüssigkeit]artmed.pharm.
- ton <t., t, sh. t., sh. tn.> [esp. Am.] [short ton] [2000 lb]
- amerikanische Tonne {f} <tn. sh> [907,18 kg]unit
- HL Tauri <HL Tau>
- HL Tauri {m} <HL Tau>astron.
- Wolf-Rayet star <WR star>
- Wolf-Rayet-Stern {m} <WR-Stern>astron.
- extreme helium star <EHe star>
- extremer Heliumstern {m} <EHe-Stern>astron.
- mercury-manganese star <HgMn star>
- Quecksilber-Mangan-Stern {m} <HgMn-Stern>astron.
- four-star {adj} [attr.] <4-star>
- Vier-Sterne- [auch: Viersterne-] <4-Sterne->
- I couldn't, didn't want to (and still don't want to) deny a clandestine joy. ["Buback Obituary", trans. Sabine von Dirke: "All Power to the Imagination!"]
- Ich konnte und wollte (und will) eine klammheimliche Freude nicht verhehlen. [Göttinger Mescalero, Buback - Ein Nachruf]hist.pol.quote
- Iberian starthistle / star-thistle / star thistle [Centaurea iberica]
- Spanische Flockenblume {f}bot.T
- five-star rating system <5-star rating system>
- Fünf-Sterne-Bewertungssystem {n} <5-Sterne-Bewertungssystem>
- morning-star / morning star lily [Lilium concolor]
- Gleichfarbige Lilie {f}bot.T
Morgenstern-Lilie / Morgensternlilie {f}bot.T
- partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T>
- Abtrennung und Umwandlungnucl.
- What I don't know won't hurt me.
- Was ich nicht weiß, macht mich nicht heiß.idiom
- T-dot <T.O.> [coll.] [Can.] [nickname for Toronto]
- [Spitzname für Toronto, Kanada]geogr.
- I can't / couldn't help but ... [idiom]
- Ich kann / konnte nicht anders als ...
- I don't / can't recall her name.
- Mir fällt ihr Name nicht ein.
- I don't / can't see that happening.
- Das kann ich mir nicht vorstellen.
- I can't / won't stay long today.
- Ich werde heute nicht alt. [ugs.]idiom
- If it ain't broke, don't fix it. [idiom]
- Man soll nicht reparieren, was nicht kaputt ist. [ugs.]
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- A protoplanetary disk is a rotating circumstellar disc of dense gas and dust surrounding a young newly formed star, a T Tauri star, or Herbig Ae/Be star.
- One possible explanation suggested by Hannes Alfvén was that angular momentum was shed by the solar wind during its T Tauri star phase.
- Component B is thought to be a T Tauri star, a pre-main-sequence star surrounded by a disk.
- A T Tauri star is a type of pre–main sequence star that is being heated through gravitational contraction and has not yet begun to burn hydrogen at its core.
- At this point in its evolution, the Sun is thought to have been a T Tauri star.
- TW Hydrae is a T Tauri star approximately 196 light-years away in the constellation of Hydra (the Sea Serpent).
- CoKu Tau/4 is a pre-main-sequence binary T Tauri star system in the constellation Taurus.
- Ciardi has published refereed journal articles across a wide range of topics, including exoplanets, and has contributed to more than 250 exoplanet discovery papers, including many of the Kepler Mission discoveries and being the principal investigator of the Palomar Transient Factory Orion Transit Survey and co-discoverer of the first transiting planet around a newly formed T Tauri star in the 3-million-year-old star cluster surrounding 25 Orionis.
- The secondary has been proposed to be a T Tauri star, possibly of spectral class A.
- This causes a T Tauri star to vary in brightness over the course of weeks or months as they accrete matter.
- This is a T Tauri star, which is a stage that a newly formed, low-mass star passes through before settling down onto the main sequence, where it will generate all of its energy through hydrogen fusion at its core.
- The initial classification of the primary was as a young T Tauri star.
- CT Chamaeleontis (CT Cha) is a T Tauri star - a primary of the star system in the constellation of Chamaeleon.
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