Übersetzung für '
T handle' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a T-handle | T-handles |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| tech. T-handle | T-Handgriff {m} | |
| tech. T-handle | Knebelgriff {m} | |
3 Wörter |
| tools (sliding) T-handle | Schiebegriff {m} [für Steckschlüsseleinsätze] | |
| tools sliding t-handle | Quergriff {m} [beim Schlüssel] | |
4 Wörter |
| He can't handle money. | Er kann nicht mit Geld umgehen. | |
| comm. T-shirt (handle) bag | Hemdchentragetasche {f} [Plastiktasche] | |
5+ Wörter |
| I can't move this handle. | Der Griff lässt sich nicht bewegen. | |
Fiktion (Literatur und Film) |
| filmquoteF You can't handle the truth! [A Few Good Men] | Sie können die Wahrheit doch gar nicht vertragen! | |
Teiltreffer |
| unit ton <t., t, sh. t., sh. tn.> [esp. Am.] [short ton] [2000 lb] | amerikanische Tonne {f} <tn. sh> [907,18 kg] | |
| hist.pol.quote I couldn't, didn't want to (and still don't want to) deny a clandestine joy. ["Buback Obituary", trans. Sabine von Dirke: "All Power to the Imagination!"] | Ich konnte und wollte (und will) eine klammheimliche Freude nicht verhehlen. [Göttinger Mescalero, Buback - Ein Nachruf] | |
| nucl. partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T> | Abtrennung und Umwandlung | |
| idiom What I don't know won't hurt me. | Was ich nicht weiß, macht mich nicht heiß. | |
| geogr. T-dot <T.O.> [coll.] [Can.] [nickname for Toronto] | [Spitzname für Toronto, Kanada] | |
| idiom I can't / won't stay long today. | Ich werde heute nicht alt. [ugs.] | |
| I can't / couldn't help but ... [idiom] | Ich kann / konnte nicht anders als ... | |
| I don't / can't see that happening. | Das kann ich mir nicht vorstellen. | |
| I don't / can't recall her name. | Mir fällt ihr Name nicht ein. | |
| If it ain't broke, don't fix it. [idiom] | Man soll nicht reparieren, was nicht kaputt ist. [ugs.] | |
| Well, look who it isn't / ain't! [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] | Schau mal, wer da kommt / ist! [ugs.] | |
| You needn't / shouldn't have bothered. | Es wäre nicht nötig gewesen. | |
| Don't pretend it didn't happen. | Tu nicht so, als wäre es nicht passiert. | |
| He didn't succeed, but it wasn't for want / lack of trying. | Ihm gelang es nicht, doch an Versuchen ließ er es nicht mangeln. | |
| acad.traffictransp. traffic and transport <TT, T&T> | Verkehr und Transport <VT> | |
| electr. toggle flip-flop <T-FF, T-flipflop, T-flip-flop> | T-Flipflop {n} <T-FF> | |
| phys. top quark <t quark, t> | Top-Quark {n} <t-Quark, t> | |
| fin. telegraphic transfer <T/T, TT> | telegraphische Überweisung {f} | |
| fin. telegraphic transfer <T/T, TT> | telegrafische Überweisung {f} | |
| gastr. G and T <G & T> [a drink of gin and tonic (water)] | Gin Tonic {m} | |
28 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'T handle' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- T-handle
- T-Handgriff {m}tech.
Knebelgriff {m}tech.
- (sliding) T-handle
- Schiebegriff {m} [für Steckschlüsseleinsätze]tools
- sliding t-handle
- Quergriff {m} [beim Schlüssel]tools
- He can't handle money.
- Er kann nicht mit Geld umgehen.
- T-shirt (handle) bag
- Hemdchentragetasche {f} [Plastiktasche]comm.
- I can't move this handle.
- Der Griff lässt sich nicht bewegen.
- You can't handle the truth! [A Few Good Men]
- Sie können die Wahrheit doch gar nicht vertragen!filmquoteF
- ton <t., t, sh. t., sh. tn.> [esp. Am.] [short ton] [2000 lb]
- amerikanische Tonne {f} <tn. sh> [907,18 kg]unit
- I couldn't, didn't want to (and still don't want to) deny a clandestine joy. ["Buback Obituary", trans. Sabine von Dirke: "All Power to the Imagination!"]
- Ich konnte und wollte (und will) eine klammheimliche Freude nicht verhehlen. [Göttinger Mescalero, Buback - Ein Nachruf]hist.pol.quote
- partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T>
- Abtrennung und Umwandlungnucl.
- What I don't know won't hurt me.
- Was ich nicht weiß, macht mich nicht heiß.idiom
- T-dot <T.O.> [coll.] [Can.] [nickname for Toronto]
- [Spitzname für Toronto, Kanada]geogr.
- I can't / won't stay long today.
- Ich werde heute nicht alt. [ugs.]idiom
- I can't / couldn't help but ... [idiom]
- Ich kann / konnte nicht anders als ...
- I don't / can't see that happening.
- Das kann ich mir nicht vorstellen.
- I don't / can't recall her name.
- Mir fällt ihr Name nicht ein.
- If it ain't broke, don't fix it. [idiom]
- Man soll nicht reparieren, was nicht kaputt ist. [ugs.]
- Well, look who it isn't / ain't! [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]
- Schau mal, wer da kommt / ist! [ugs.]
- You needn't / shouldn't have bothered.
- Es wäre nicht nötig gewesen.
- Don't pretend it didn't happen.
- Tu nicht so, als wäre es nicht passiert.
- He didn't succeed, but it wasn't for want / lack of trying.
- Ihm gelang es nicht, doch an Versuchen ließ er es nicht mangeln.
- traffic and transport <TT, T&T>
- Verkehr und Transport <VT>acad.traffictransp.
- toggle flip-flop <T-FF, T-flipflop, T-flip-flop>
- T-Flipflop {n} <T-FF>electr.
- top quark <t quark, t>
- Top-Quark {n} <t-Quark, t>phys.
- telegraphic transfer <T/T, TT>
- telegraphische Überweisung {f}fin.
telegrafische Überweisung {f}fin.
- G and T <G & T> [a drink of gin and tonic (water)]
- Gin Tonic {m}gastr.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- He was too comedic and couldn’t handle the dramatic aspects of the film.
- Smith also invented the first satisfactory portable power supply for igniting blasting caps: a high-voltage magneto that was driven by a rack and pinion, which in turn was driven by a T-handle that was pushed downwards.
- Most CD players in the late 1980s and early 1990s didn't handle the Mini CD circular indentation and required the use of an adapter, or very careful placement of the CD in the exact middle of the tray.
- As of the Fourth Edition of Plan 9, 2003, IL is deprecated in favor of TCP/IP because it doesn't handle long-distance connections well.
- There are two main types of tap wrenches: "double-end adjustable wrenches" and "T-handle wrenches".
- Connie explains that after her time off if she returns and Walter is still at the Ranch, then she won't stay as she 'can't handle him'.
- As the game entered extra time with a goalless tie, Al Talyani was withdrawn because his legs couldn't handle another 120 minutes of action after playing the full 90 minutes in the semi-final against Kuwait.
- He's a Nobel Prize-winning scientist, a genius composer, an Olympic athlete, and an expert in the occult, and now international governments are calling on him to fix problems they just can't handle.
- The engine compartment has a firefighting system that is engaged by pulling a T-handle located on the left side of the hull.
- They are mostly used in rural parts of the country where the tracks have not yet been repaired and so can't handle the weight of regular trains.
- federal brake-performance requirements, a new 2-spoke steering wheel debuted and a new foot-operated parking brake replaced the under-dash T-handle used since the Dart's 1963 introduction as a compact car.
- Kate relinquishes Calvin back to Russ after acknowledging that she can't handle it, and he and Calvin return to Kansas and Beth.
- Scribe said his arrest was illegal, but admits he was "dissing" the police, but "their ego couldn't handle it".
- Inside, an oval speedometer replaced the round unit and a new foot-operated parking brake replaced the previous T-handle unit.
- Smith credited Padres manager Alvin Dark for giving him confidence by telling reporters the shortstop job was Smith's until he proved he can't handle it.
- Analysis showed that the properly configured train would have passed safely even though the platform couldn't handle the maximum design sway of W6a.
- LucasArts and Factor 5 began work on a sequel titled "Return to Fractalus" for the Amiga in the late 1980s, but it was decided that the hardware couldn't handle the concept being worked on.
- The ";" normally indicates the beginning of a comment, which originally hid the directive if a viewer didn't handle FKiSS although it is now standard in all viewers.
- It included singles "I Just Can't Handle It" (R&B No. ...
- It computes the tangent-space frame of a mesh that is used for effects like normal/bump mapping, parallax mapping and anisotropic lighting models. It handles vertices at tangent-space discontinuities by making duplicates, thus solving the hairy ball problem.
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