 Übersetzung für 'T square' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a T-square | T-squares
Reißschiene {f}
T-Schiene {f} [Reißschiene]
Zeichenschiene {f} [Reißschiene]
T-square [Br.]
Stahlwinkel {m}
ton <t., t, sh. t., sh. tn.> [esp. Am.] [short ton] [2000 lb]
amerikanische Tonne {f} <tn. sh> [907,18 kg]
I couldn't, didn't want to (and still don't want to) deny a clandestine joy. ["Buback Obituary", trans. Sabine von Dirke: "All Power to the Imagination!"]
Ich konnte und wollte (und will) eine klammheimliche Freude nicht verhehlen. [Göttinger Mescalero, Buback - Ein Nachruf]
partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T>
Abtrennung und Umwandlung
What I don't know won't hurt me.
Was ich nicht weiß, macht mich nicht heiß.
T-dot <T.O.> [coll.] [Can.] [nickname for Toronto]
[Spitzname für Toronto, Kanada]
I don't / can't see that happening.Das kann ich mir nicht vorstellen.
I can't / couldn't help but ... [idiom]Ich kann / konnte nicht anders als ...
I can't / won't stay long today.
Ich werde heute nicht alt. [ugs.]
I don't / can't recall her name.Mir fällt ihr Name nicht ein.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. [idiom] Man soll nicht reparieren, was nicht kaputt ist. [ugs.]
Well, look who it isn't / ain't! [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]Schau mal, wer da kommt / ist! [ugs.]
You needn't / shouldn't have bothered.Es wäre nicht nötig gewesen.
Don't pretend it didn't happen.Tu nicht so, als wäre es nicht passiert.
He didn't succeed, but it wasn't for want / lack of trying. Ihm gelang es nicht, doch an Versuchen ließ er es nicht mangeln.
traffic and transport <TT, T&T>
Verkehr und Transport <VT>
toggle flip-flop <T-FF, T-flipflop, T-flip-flop>
T-Flipflop {n} <T-FF>
top quark <t quark, t>
Top-Quark {n} <t-Quark, t>
telegraphic transfer <T/T, TT>
telegraphische Überweisung {f}
telegraphic transfer <T/T, TT>
telegrafische Überweisung {f}
G and T <G & T> [a drink of gin and tonic (water)]
Gin Tonic {m}
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Übersetzung für 'T square' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Reißschiene {f}tech.tools

T-Schiene {f} [Reißschiene]tools

Zeichenschiene {f} [Reißschiene]tools
T-square [Br.]
Stahlwinkel {m}tools

ton <t., t, sh. t., sh. tn.> [esp. Am.] [short ton] [2000 lb]
amerikanische Tonne {f} <tn. sh> [907,18 kg]unit
I couldn't, didn't want to (and still don't want to) deny a clandestine joy. ["Buback Obituary", trans. Sabine von Dirke: "All Power to the Imagination!"]
Ich konnte und wollte (und will) eine klammheimliche Freude nicht verhehlen. [Göttinger Mescalero, Buback - Ein Nachruf]hist.pol.quote
partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T>
Abtrennung und Umwandlungnucl.
What I don't know won't hurt me.
Was ich nicht weiß, macht mich nicht heiß.idiom
T-dot <T.O.> [coll.] [Can.] [nickname for Toronto]
[Spitzname für Toronto, Kanada]geogr.
I don't / can't see that happening.
Das kann ich mir nicht vorstellen.
I can't / couldn't help but ... [idiom]
Ich kann / konnte nicht anders als ...
I can't / won't stay long today.
Ich werde heute nicht alt. [ugs.]idiom
I don't / can't recall her name.
Mir fällt ihr Name nicht ein.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. [idiom]
Man soll nicht reparieren, was nicht kaputt ist. [ugs.]
Well, look who it isn't / ain't! [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]
Schau mal, wer da kommt / ist! [ugs.]
You needn't / shouldn't have bothered.
Es wäre nicht nötig gewesen.
Don't pretend it didn't happen.
Tu nicht so, als wäre es nicht passiert.
He didn't succeed, but it wasn't for want / lack of trying.
Ihm gelang es nicht, doch an Versuchen ließ er es nicht mangeln.
traffic and transport <TT, T&T>
Verkehr und Transport <VT>acad.traffictransp.
toggle flip-flop <T-FF, T-flipflop, T-flip-flop>
T-Flipflop {n} <T-FF>electr.
top quark <t quark, t>
Top-Quark {n} <t-Quark, t>phys.
telegraphic transfer <T/T, TT>
telegraphische Überweisung {f}fin.

telegrafische Überweisung {f}fin.
G and T <G & T> [a drink of gin and tonic (water)]
Gin Tonic {m}gastr.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In addition Thrasher used a portable drawing board with a T-square.
  • A sliding straightedge known as a T-square is then placed on one of the sides, allowing it to be slid across the side of the table, and over the surface of the paper.
  • Muhlenberg earned his Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 1912, followed by his Master of Science from Gettysburg College in 1915, while serving as an officer of the T-Square Club.
  • says that he and André Sainte-Laguë had applied the equations of air resistance to insects and found that their flight could not be explained by fixed-wing calculations, but that "One shouldn't be surprised that the results of the calculations don't square with reality".
  • The 200th anniversary of the battle was also commemorated on six occasions in Portsmouth during June and July, at St Paul's Cathedral (where Nelson is entombed), in Trafalgar Square in London in October ("T Square 200"), and across the UK.

  • He was a member of the Philadelphia Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and the T Square Club, the Philadelphia Sketch Club, and the Architectural League of New York.
  • It Ain't Square." It was The Mills Corporation's first outdoor mall not to have the "Mills" name.
  • Keane was honored with the Silver T-Square Award from the National Cartoonist Society in 2002 for "outstanding dedication" to the Society and the cartooning profession.
  • It is closely related to Hotelling's T-square distribution used for multivariate statistical testing and Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis that is used for supervised classification.
  • In the case of two groups, all the statistics are equivalent and the test reduces to Hotelling's T-square.

  • The Gold T-Square is awarded for 50 years as professional cartoonist.
  • In addition to drawing horizontal lines, a T-square can also be used with a set square to draw vertical or diagonal lines.
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