 Übersetzung für 'T zone' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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T-Zone {f}
ton <t., t, sh. t., sh. tn.> [esp. Am.] [short ton] [2000 lb]
amerikanische Tonne {f} <tn. sh> [907,18 kg]
I couldn't, didn't want to (and still don't want to) deny a clandestine joy. ["Buback Obituary", trans. Sabine von Dirke: "All Power to the Imagination!"]
Ich konnte und wollte (und will) eine klammheimliche Freude nicht verhehlen. [Göttinger Mescalero, Buback - Ein Nachruf]
zone constant angular velocity <zone CAV, Z-CAV, ZCAV>
Zone CAV {f} <Z-CAV, ZCAV>
partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T>
Abtrennung und Umwandlung
T-dot <T.O.> [coll.] [Can.] [nickname for Toronto]
[Spitzname für Toronto, Kanada]
What I don't know won't hurt me.
Was ich nicht weiß, macht mich nicht heiß.
I can't / won't stay long today.
Ich werde heute nicht alt. [ugs.]
I can't / couldn't help but ... [idiom]Ich kann / konnte nicht anders als ...
I don't / can't see that happening.Das kann ich mir nicht vorstellen.
I don't / can't recall her name.Mir fällt ihr Name nicht ein.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. [idiom] Man soll nicht reparieren, was nicht kaputt ist. [ugs.]
Well, look who it isn't / ain't! [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]Schau mal, wer da kommt / ist! [ugs.]
Don't pretend it didn't happen.Tu nicht so, als wäre es nicht passiert.
You needn't / shouldn't have bothered.Es wäre nicht nötig gewesen.
He didn't succeed, but it wasn't for want / lack of trying. Ihm gelang es nicht, doch an Versuchen ließ er es nicht mangeln.
traffic and transport <TT, T&T>
Verkehr und Transport <VT>
toggle flip-flop <T-FF, T-flipflop, T-flip-flop>
T-Flipflop {n} <T-FF>
telegraphic transfer <T/T, TT>
telegraphische Überweisung {f}
top quark <t quark, t>
Top-Quark {n} <t-Quark, t>
telegraphic transfer <T/T, TT>
telegrafische Überweisung {f}
21 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'T zone' von Englisch nach Deutsch

T-Zone {f}cosmet.

ton <t., t, sh. t., sh. tn.> [esp. Am.] [short ton] [2000 lb]
amerikanische Tonne {f} <tn. sh> [907,18 kg]unit
I couldn't, didn't want to (and still don't want to) deny a clandestine joy. ["Buback Obituary", trans. Sabine von Dirke: "All Power to the Imagination!"]
Ich konnte und wollte (und will) eine klammheimliche Freude nicht verhehlen. [Göttinger Mescalero, Buback - Ein Nachruf]hist.pol.quote
zone constant angular velocity <zone CAV, Z-CAV, ZCAV>
Zone CAV {f} <Z-CAV, ZCAV>comp.
partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T>
Abtrennung und Umwandlungnucl.
T-dot <T.O.> [coll.] [Can.] [nickname for Toronto]
[Spitzname für Toronto, Kanada]geogr.
What I don't know won't hurt me.
Was ich nicht weiß, macht mich nicht heiß.idiom
I can't / won't stay long today.
Ich werde heute nicht alt. [ugs.]idiom
I can't / couldn't help but ... [idiom]
Ich kann / konnte nicht anders als ...
I don't / can't see that happening.
Das kann ich mir nicht vorstellen.
I don't / can't recall her name.
Mir fällt ihr Name nicht ein.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. [idiom]
Man soll nicht reparieren, was nicht kaputt ist. [ugs.]
Well, look who it isn't / ain't! [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]
Schau mal, wer da kommt / ist! [ugs.]
Don't pretend it didn't happen.
Tu nicht so, als wäre es nicht passiert.
You needn't / shouldn't have bothered.
Es wäre nicht nötig gewesen.
He didn't succeed, but it wasn't for want / lack of trying.
Ihm gelang es nicht, doch an Versuchen ließ er es nicht mangeln.
traffic and transport <TT, T&T>
Verkehr und Transport <VT>acad.traffictransp.
toggle flip-flop <T-FF, T-flipflop, T-flip-flop>
T-Flipflop {n} <T-FF>electr.
telegraphic transfer <T/T, TT>
telegraphische Überweisung {f}fin.

telegrafische Überweisung {f}fin.
top quark <t quark, t>
Top-Quark {n} <t-Quark, t>phys.
  • T-Zone {f} = T-zone
  • T-Flipflop {n} <T-FF> = toggle flip-flop <T-FF, T-flipflop, T-flip-flop>
  • pleno titulo <P. T. / p. t.> [bes. österr.] [veraltet] = [with full title (of a person)]
  • Portlandölschieferzement {m} <CEM II/A-T + CEM II/B-T> = Portland oil shale cement
  • Top-Quark {n} <t-Quark, t> = top quark <t quark, t>
  • Zone {f} = belt [area, zone]
  • Zone {f} = area
  • Zone {f} = zone
  • entmilitarisierte Zone {f} = demilitarised zone <DMZ> [Br.]
  • Brillouin-Zone {f} = Brillouin zone
  • Head-Zone {f} = Head's / Head zone
  • habitable Zone {f} = Goldilocks zone
  • Saxothuringische Zone {f} = Saxo-Thuringian Zone
  • H-Zone {f} = H-zone
  • optische Zone {f} = optic zone
  • Schengen-Zone {f} = Schengen Area / area
  • atomfreie Zone {f} = nuclear-free zone
  • tote Zone {f} = blind spot
  • Dead Zone = The Dead Zone
  • hadale Zone {f} = hadal zone
  • Twilight Zone = The Twilight Zone [2002-2003]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Several blogs and news outlets have speculated that her past relationship with Banks (her participation in Banks' T-Zone camp and her past appearances on Tyra's television shows and her appearance as a model on "The Tyra Banks Show" and Cycle 6 of "America's Next Top Model"), may have influenced the selection of the winner.
  • There are also several areas of the city where fine restaurants can be found. The G Zone, the T Zone, and La Macarena are well known for their gastronomic offerings.
  • This technique includes applying a heavy amount of translucent powder under the eyes and on the high points of the face, including the 'T' zone, to set the base make-up.
  • The T-zone is roughly a T-shaped area from the outside of one eye socket to the outside of other eye socket and extending down the bridge of the nose to the upper lip.
  • PTCL-NOS, the most common subtype of PTCL, is aggressive and predominantly nodal. There are two morphologic variants: the T-zone lymphoma variant and the lymphoepithelioid cell variant.

  • In May 2018, Avalon announced it was re-activating the project on the global demand for neodymium and praseodymium and in January 2019 it was announced that Avalon and private Australian company Cheetah Resources Pty Ltd would be collaborating to develop the T-Zone and Tardiff Zones of the project.
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