 Übersetzung für 'T-group' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Encountergruppe {f}
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Übersetzung für 'T-group' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Encountergruppe {f}psych.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • A PT-group is a group in which permutability is transitive. A finite T-group is a PT-group.
  • T International (part of C.A.T Group).
  • They came to be known as the 'T-Group' – later forming the nucleus of the Trotskyist faction of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party.
  • The dihedral group of order 8 (D4) is the smallest example of a group that is not a T-group.
  • If every subnormal subgroup of "G" is normal in "G", then "G" is called a T-group.

  • ... T.) group that brought together artists and engineers as collaborators.
  • It is a theorem of Watatani that Kazhdan's property (T) implies property FA, but not conversely. Indeed, any subgroup of finite index in a T-group has property FA.
  • A T-group or training group (sometimes also referred to as sensitivity-training group, human relations training group or encounter group) is a form of group training where participants (typically between eight and fifteen people) learn about themselves (and about small group processes in general) through their interaction with each other.
  • Wallen along with a unique T-group method known as Conflict Management (and later as "Tough Stuff" in other business applications) to speed culture change, and applied his own version of Daryl Conner's Sponsor Agent Target model to improving and shortening outage management.
  • Unicode schemes of scripts writing Mainland Southeast Asia languages, such as that of Burmese script and of Tibetan script, generally don't group the two functions together.

  • I can’t group it together with my older stuff. So I felt a new name was appropriate.
  • The architecture was designed by P&T Group. Its unique design is composed of equilateral triangles and circles.
  • The S&T group of enterprises is an IT consulting, products and services provider with its head office in Linz, Austria.
  • In August 2017 Kontron was merged into Austria-based S&T Group.
  • On May 17, 2007, Birmingham Southern Railroad was awarded a Gold E. H. Harriman Award in the S&T Group for the railroad's 2006 safety record.

  • The tower was designed and engineered by P & T Group.
  • P&T Group (...), formerly known as Palmer and Turner Hong Kong (Chinese: 公和洋行; "Kung Wo Yeung Hong"), is an architectural firm in Hong Kong.
  • Other leaders in the development of encounter groups, including Will Schutz, worked at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California.
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