| Don't! | Nicht! 141 | |
| T'rah! [Br.] [coll.] [rare for: Tarah!] | Tschüss! [ugs.] 7 | |
| unit tera- {prefix} <T> [10 ^ 12] | Tera- <T> 5 | |
| [I] ain't [coll.] [am not] | [ich] bin nicht | |
| [I] couldn't [would not be able] | [ich] könnte nicht | |
| [they] couldn't [were not able] | [sie] konnten nicht | |
| [we/they/you] ain't [coll. or hum.] [aren't] | [wir/sie/Sie] sind nicht | |
| [we/they/you] ain't [nonstandard] [haven't] [e.g. we ain't heard that] | [wir/sie/Sie] haben nicht [Partizip] | |
| [we/they/you] aren't [are not] | [wir/sie/Sie] sind nicht | |
| [we/they/you] can't [cannot] | [wir/sie/Sie] können nicht | |
| [we/they/you] couldn't [would not be able] | [wir/sie/Sie] könnten nicht | |
| [we/they/you] don't | [wir/sie/Sie] tun nicht | |
| [we/they/you] haven't | [wir/sie/Sie] haben nicht | |
| [we/they/you] mustn't | [wir/sie/Sie] dürfen nicht | |
| [we/they/you] weren't [were not] | [wir/sie/Sie] waren nicht | |
| [you] ain't [coll.] [aren't] | [du] bist nicht | |
| [you] ain't [nonstandard] [aren't] | [ihr] seid nicht | |
| [you] ain't [nonstandard] [haven't] [e.g. you ain't heard?] | [du] hast nicht [Partzip] | |
| [you] ain't [nonstandard] [haven't] [e.g. you ain't heard?] | [ihr] habt nicht [Partzip] | |
| [you] can't [cannot] | [du] kannst nicht | |
| [you] can't [cannot] [said to two or more people] | [ihr] könnt nicht | |
| [you] couldn't [would not be able] | [du] könntest nicht | |
| [you] couldn't [would not be able] | [ihr] könntet nicht | |
| [you] mustn't | [du] darfst nicht | |
| [you] mustn't [said to two or more people] | [ihr] dürft nicht | |
| [you] shouldn't | [du] sollst nicht | |
| amn't [Scot.] [Irish] | bin nicht | |
| Don't! | Tu das nicht! | |
| Don't! [said to one person] | Tu's nicht! | |
| Don't! [said to one person] | Tu es nicht! | |
| Don't! [said to two or more people] | Tut es nicht! | |
| sb. cain't [Am.] [phonetic spelling of Southern US pronunciation of can't] | jd. kann nicht | |
| sb. can't [cannot] | jd. kann nicht | |
| sb. couldn't [was not able] | jd. konnte nicht | |
| sb. couldn't [would not be able] | jd. könnte nicht | |
| sb. daren't | jd. wagt nicht | |
| sb. didn't | jd. tat nicht | |
| sb. mustn't | jd. darf nicht | |
| sb. oughtn't | jd. sollte nicht | |
| sb. shan't [shall not] | jd. will nicht | |
| sb. shan't [shall not] | jd. wird nicht | |
| sb. won't [will not] | jd. wird nicht | |
| sb. wouldn't | jd. würde nicht | |
| sb./sth. ain't [nonstandard or hum.] [isn't] | jd./etw. ist nicht | |
| sb./sth. ain't [nonstandard] [hasn't] | jd./etw. hat nicht | |
| sb./sth. hadn't | jd./etw. hatte nicht | |
| sb./sth. hasn't | jd./etw. hat nicht | |
| sb./sth. isn't | jd./etw. ist nicht | |
| sb./sth. mightn't | jd./etw. könnte nicht | |
| sb./sth. wasn't | jd./etw. war nicht | |
Substantive |
| meteo. thunderstorm <t-storm, T STORM, tl> | Gewitter {n} 2258 | |
| pol. government <govt., gov't, gov.> | Regierung {f} <Reg.> 1801 | |
| gastr.unit tablespoon <tbsp., T.> | Esslöffel {m} <EL> 400 | |
| gastr.unit teaspoon <tsp., t.> | Teelöffel {m} <TL> 371 | |
| unit tonne <t> [Br.] [1000 kg] | Tonne {f} <t> 135 | |
| phys.unit tesla <T> | Tesla {n} <T> 19 | |
| phys. triton <t> | Triton {n} <t> 13 | |
| biochem. thymine <T, Thy> [C5H6N2O2] | Thymin {n} <T, Thy> 12 | |
| naut. t'gans'l [spv.] | Bramsegel {n} 6 | |
| audio telecoil <T-coil> | Telefonspule {f} 6 | |
| biochem. threonine <Thr, T> [C4H9NO3] | Threonin {n} <Thr, T> 6 | |
| electr.phys. period <T> | Periodendauer {f} <T> 5 | |
| ling.print t [letter] | t {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| ling.print T [letter] | T {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| audio telecoil <T-coil, t-coil> | T-Spule {f} [kurz für: Telefonspule] | |
| unit ton <l. t., l. tn., L.T., LT> [Br.] [long ton] [2240 lb] | britische Tonne {f} <tn. l.> [ca. 1016,05 kg] | |
| unit ton <t., t, sh. t., sh. tn.> [esp. Am.] [short ton] [2000 lb] | amerikanische Tonne {f} <tn. sh> [907,18 kg] | |
| unit tonne <t> | metrische Tonne {f} <t> | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| [we/they/you] ain't got sth. [nonstandard] [haven't got sth.] [e.g. we ain't got milk] | [wir/sie/Sie] haben etw.Akk. nicht [besitzen] | |
| [you] ain't got [nonstandard] | [du] hast nicht [besitzen] | |
| [you] ain't got [nonstandard] | [ihr] habt nicht [besitzen] | |
| [you] wouldn't like | [du] möchtest nicht | |
| Can't complain. [idiom] | Man muss zufrieden sein. | |
| Doesn't everyone? | Tut das nicht jeder? | |
| Doesn't matter. <dm, DM, Dm> | Egal! | |
| Don't ask! | Frag lieber nicht! | |
| Don't bother! | Lass doch! | |
| Don't bother! | Nicht nötig! | |
| Don't bother! | Bemühe dich nicht! | |
| Don't bother! | Mach dir keine Mühe! | |
| Don't bother! | Machen Sie sich keine Arbeit! | |
| Don't cry! | Weine nicht! | |
| Don't cry! | Nicht weinen! | |
| Don't despair! | Verzweifle nicht! | |
| Don't exaggerate. | Übertreib mal nicht. | |
| Don't fall! | Fall nicht! | |
| Don't forget, ... | Vergiss nicht, ... | |
| Don't fret! | Keine Sorge! | |
| Don't fuss! | Mach kein Theater! [ugs.] | |
| Don't fuss! [idiom] | Jammer nicht rum! [Redewendung] | |
| Don't go. | Geh nicht. | |
| Don't move! | Keine Bewegung! | |
| Don't panic! | Keine Panik! | |
| Don't panic. | Immer mit der Ruhe. [Redewendung] [nichts überstürzen!] | |
| Don't push! | Nicht drängeln! | |
| Don't worry! | Keine Angst! | |
| Don't worry! | Mach dir keine Sorgen! | |
| Don't worry! | Mach dir keine Gedanken! | |
| Don't worry! | Seien Sie unbesorgt! [formelle Anrede] | |
| Don't worry! | Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen! [formelle Anrede] | |
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Übersetzung für 'T.' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- Don't!
- Nicht!
Tu das nicht!
- T'rah! [Br.] [coll.] [rare for: Tarah!]
- Tschüss! [ugs.]
- tera- {prefix} <T> [10 ^ 12]
- Tera- <T>unit
- [I] ain't [coll.] [am not]
- [ich] bin nicht
- [I] couldn't [would not be able]
- [ich] könnte nicht
- [they] couldn't [were not able]
- [sie] konnten nicht
- [we/they/you] ain't [coll. or hum.] [aren't]
- [wir/sie/Sie] sind nicht
- [we/they/you] ain't [nonstandard] [haven't] [e.g. we ain't heard that]
- [wir/sie/Sie] haben nicht [Partizip]
- [we/they/you] aren't [are not]
- [wir/sie/Sie] sind nicht
- [we/they/you] can't [cannot]
- [wir/sie/Sie] können nicht
- [we/they/you] couldn't [would not be able]
- [wir/sie/Sie] könnten nicht
- [we/they/you] don't
- [wir/sie/Sie] tun nicht
- [we/they/you] haven't
- [wir/sie/Sie] haben nicht
- [we/they/you] mustn't
- [wir/sie/Sie] dürfen nicht
- [we/they/you] weren't [were not]
- [wir/sie/Sie] waren nicht
- [you] ain't [coll.] [aren't]
- [du] bist nicht
- [you] ain't [nonstandard] [aren't]
- [ihr] seid nicht
- [you] ain't [nonstandard] [haven't] [e.g. you ain't heard?]
- [du] hast nicht [Partzip]
[ihr] habt nicht [Partzip]
- [you] can't [cannot]
- [du] kannst nicht
- [you] can't [cannot] [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] könnt nicht
- [you] couldn't [would not be able]
- [du] könntest nicht
[ihr] könntet nicht
- [you] mustn't
- [du] darfst nicht
- [you] mustn't [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] dürft nicht
- [you] shouldn't
- [du] sollst nicht
- amn't [Scot.] [Irish]
- bin nicht
- Don't! [said to one person]
- Tu's nicht!
Tu es nicht!
- Don't! [said to two or more people]
- Tut es nicht!
- sb. cain't [Am.] [phonetic spelling of Southern US pronunciation of can't]
- jd. kann nicht
- sb. can't [cannot]
- jd. kann nicht
- sb. couldn't [was not able]
- jd. konnte nicht
- sb. couldn't [would not be able]
- jd. könnte nicht
- sb. daren't
- jd. wagt nicht
- sb. didn't
- jd. tat nicht
- sb. mustn't
- jd. darf nicht
- sb. oughtn't
- jd. sollte nicht
- sb. shan't [shall not]
- jd. will nicht
jd. wird nicht
- sb. won't [will not]
- jd. wird nicht
- sb. wouldn't
- jd. würde nicht
- sb./sth. ain't [nonstandard or hum.] [isn't]
- jd./etw. ist nicht
- sb./sth. ain't [nonstandard] [hasn't]
- jd./etw. hat nicht
- sb./sth. hadn't
- jd./etw. hatte nicht
- sb./sth. hasn't
- jd./etw. hat nicht
- sb./sth. isn't
- jd./etw. ist nicht
- sb./sth. mightn't
- jd./etw. könnte nicht
- sb./sth. wasn't
- jd./etw. war nicht
- thunderstorm <t-storm, T STORM, tl>
- Gewitter {n}meteo.
- government <govt., gov't, gov.>
- Regierung {f} <Reg.>pol.
- tablespoon <tbsp., T.>
- Esslöffel {m} <EL>gastr.unit
- teaspoon <tsp., t.>
- Teelöffel {m} <TL>gastr.unit
- tonne <t> [Br.] [1000 kg]
- Tonne {f} <t>unit
- tesla <T>
- Tesla {n} <T>phys.unit
- triton <t>
- Triton {n} <t>phys.
- thymine <T, Thy> [C5H6N2O2]
- Thymin {n} <T, Thy>biochem.
- t'gans'l [spv.]
- Bramsegel {n}naut.
- telecoil <T-coil>
- Telefonspule {f}audio
- threonine <Thr, T> [C4H9NO3]
- Threonin {n} <Thr, T>biochem.
- period <T>
- Periodendauer {f} <T>electr.phys.
- t [letter]
- t {n} [Buchstabe]ling.print
- T [letter]
- T {n} [Buchstabe]ling.print
- telecoil <T-coil, t-coil>
- T-Spule {f} [kurz für: Telefonspule]audio
- ton <l. t., l. tn., L.T., LT> [Br.] [long ton] [2240 lb]
- britische Tonne {f} <tn. l.> [ca. 1016,05 kg]unit
- ton <t., t, sh. t., sh. tn.> [esp. Am.] [short ton] [2000 lb]
- amerikanische Tonne {f} <tn. sh> [907,18 kg]unit
- tonne <t>
- metrische Tonne {f} <t>unit
- [we/they/you] ain't got sth. [nonstandard] [haven't got sth.] [e.g. we ain't got milk]
- [wir/sie/Sie] haben etw.Akk. nicht [besitzen]
- [you] ain't got [nonstandard]
- [du] hast nicht [besitzen]
[ihr] habt nicht [besitzen]
- [you] wouldn't like
- [du] möchtest nicht
- Can't complain. [idiom]
- Man muss zufrieden sein.
- Doesn't everyone?
- Tut das nicht jeder?
- Doesn't matter. <dm, DM, Dm>
- Egal!
- Don't ask!
- Frag lieber nicht!
- Don't bother!
- Lass doch!
Nicht nötig!
Bemühe dich nicht!
Mach dir keine Mühe!
Machen Sie sich keine Arbeit!
- Don't cry!
- Weine nicht!
Nicht weinen!
- Don't despair!
- Verzweifle nicht!
- Don't exaggerate.
- Übertreib mal nicht.
- Don't fall!
- Fall nicht!
- Don't forget, ...
- Vergiss nicht, ...
- Don't fret!
- Keine Sorge!
- Don't fuss!
- Mach kein Theater! [ugs.]
- Don't fuss! [idiom]
- Jammer nicht rum! [Redewendung]
- Don't go.
- Geh nicht.
- Don't move!
- Keine Bewegung!
- Don't panic!
- Keine Panik!
- Don't panic.
- Immer mit der Ruhe. [Redewendung] [nichts überstürzen!]
- Don't push!
- Nicht drängeln!
- Don't worry!
- Keine Angst!
Mach dir keine Sorgen!
Mach dir keine Gedanken!
Seien Sie unbesorgt! [formelle Anrede]
Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen! [formelle Anrede]
- Teil {m} {n} <T.> = part <pt>
- Tonne {f} <t> = tonne <t> [Br.] [1000 kg]
- Tesla {n} <T> = tesla <T>
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