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- Trisomie 18 {f} <T18> [Edwards-Syndrom] = trisomy 18 <T18> [Edwards syndrome]
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- In 2016, Bourdy finished T18 at both the U.S. Open and the PGA Championship – his best finishes at major championships to date – and shared 21st place at the Olympic Games in Brazil.
- Unpaved Trunk road T18 from Manyoni to Tabora and unpaved trunk road T22 from Singida Region to Mbeya Region pass through the town.
- From the coast and Vangaindrano it can be reached by the unpaved, secondary road RN T18 of 94 km in very bad state of conservation to Nosifeno (formerly: Midongy Sud), to continue on another secondary road of 42 km to Befotaka.
- Within its boundaries, the town of Columbia has one great pond, Schoodic Lake (also in Cherryfield and T18 MD BPP).
- Near the end of World War II, more experimental versions of the 90 mm gun were tested including the higher-velocity T18 and T19 main guns.
- Route T18 also operates alongside route T14 but under different line names and routes.
- Route T14 operates daily between New Carrollton station and Rhode Island Avenue stations primarily running into neighborhoods unlike route T18 which is a direct route.
- The Tatra T18 was a Czechoslovakian draisine designed and manufactured by Tatra in the 1920s.
- From the coast and Vangaindrano it can be reached by the unpaved, secondary road T18 of 94 km in very bad state of conservation.
- These had [...] coupled wheels, [...] cylinders and were lighter than the T18 (LNER J66) class.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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