 Übersetzung für 'T2 space' von Englisch nach Deutsch
T2 space [Hausdorff space]
Hausdorff'scher Raum {m}
second thoracic vertebra <2rd thoracic vertebra, T2 vertebra, T2> [Vertebra thoracica II]
zweiter Brustwirbel {m} <2. Brustwirbel, Th2, Th 2>
T2-weighted sequence
T2-gewichtete Sequenz {f}
T2-weighted image <T2WI>
T2-gewichtete Aufnahme {f} [Ergebnis]
T2 Trainspotting [Danny Boyle]
T2 Trainspotting
compactly generated space {sg} <k-space>
kompakt erzeugte Räume {pl} <k-Räume>
second-order lag element <2nd order lag element, P-T2 element>
Verzögerungs­glied {n} zweiter Ordnung <Verzögerungs­glied 2. Ordnung, P-T2-Glied>
space time / space-time block code <STBC>
Raum-Zeit-Blockcode {m}
space frequency / space-frequency block code <SFBC>
Raum-Frequenz-Blockcode {m}
anti-de-Sitter / anti-de Sitter / anti de Sitter space <AdS space>
Anti-de-Sitter-Raum {m} <AdS-Raum>
Leertaste {f}
spaceLeerstelle {f}
spacefreier Raum {m}
Spatium {n}
spaceStellplatz {m}
to space
spaceRaum {m}
spaceleere Stelle {f}
outer spaceWeltall {n}
leeway space
Leeway-Space {m}
media space
Medienraum {m}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • If no free space exists in the cache, this marker also determines whether either T1 or T2 will evict an entry.
  • The old terminal T1 functions as office/administrative and storage space, T2 is used for domestic flights and T3 handles international flights.
  • In spring 2022, That's TV acquired additional space on the limited-reach COM7 Freeview DVB-T2 multiplex and elected to launch a 24-hour music channel called That's Music.
  • The museum boasts four gallery spaces—the PE, or permanent exhibition space, on the ground floor, which houses rotating shows drawn on the National Collection; The PS Room, a project space for monthly interventions, also on the ground floor; and two temporary exhibition spaces on the second floor (T1 and T2).
  • The subretinal space does not enhance with gadolinium contrast.

  • On 9 December 2011 TVP Polonia was added to terrestrial MUX3 in Poland, then removed on 19 July 2016 to free up some space for TVP Info HD.
  • The major task of an ultrasonographic examination is to rule out any space occupying mass.
  • The post consisted of an observation area with aircraft plotting instrument and a small space for making refreshments and gaining shelter.
  • Another 10,000 panels would be installed in the remaining space to generate an additional 2.40 MW power.
  • Timber tie beams at cornice level are exposed in the space.

  • of boost and was chosen as space between the engine and radiator prevented the use of the larger T3 from the Escort RS Turbo.
  • Molecules in fluids are in constant Brownian motion, diffusing about the pore space and bouncing off the grain surfaces.
  • Fet3p is a type I membrane protein with an orientation that places the amino-terminal oxidase domain in the exocellular space (Nexo) and the carboxyl terminus in the cytoplasm (Ccyt).
  • The idea was supposed to be that every T"i" space is a special kind of T"j" space if "i" &gt; "j".
  • Due to the tight space constraints, the engine is bolted directly to the frame without any anti-vibration mounts; instead, the engine is tuned post-installation to avoid resonant vibrations.

  • The "separation axioms" are various conditions that are sometimes imposed upon topological spaces, many of which can be described in terms of the various types of separated sets.
  • The tangent space has an interpretation in terms of "K"[...]"/"("t2"), the dual numbers for "K"; in the parlance of schemes, morphisms from "Spec" "K"[...]"/"("t2") to a scheme "X" over "K" correspond to a choice of a rational point "x ∈ X(k)" and an element of the tangent space at "x".
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