21 Übersetzungen
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- T7-RNA-Polymerase {f} = T7 RNA polymerase
- RNA-Polymerase {f} <RNAP / RNA Pol> = RNA polymerase <RNAP / RNA pol>
- RNA-abhängige RNA-Polymerase {f} = RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
- RNA-abhängige DNA-Polymerase {f} = RNA-dependent DNA polymerase
- Einzelstrang-RNA {f} <ssRNA, ss-RNA> = single-stranded RNA <ssRNA, ss-RNA>
- Doppelstrang-RNA {f} <dsRNA, ds-RNA> = double-stranded RNA <dsRNA, ds-RNA>
- Polymerase {f} = polymerase
- Taq-Polymerase {f} = Taq polymerase <Taq pol>
- Pfu-Polymerase {f} = Pfu DNA polymerase
- DNA-Polymerase {f} = DNA polymerase
- Poly(A)-Polymerase {f} = poly(A) polymerase
- Polymerase-Kettenreaktion {f} <PCR> = polymerase chain reaction <PCR>
- RNA-Aptamer {n} = RNA aptamer
- RNA-Editing {n} = RNA editing
- RNA-Impfung {f} = RNA vaccination
- RNA-bindend = RNA-binding
- RNA-Editierung {f} = RNA editing
- RNA-Komponente {f} = RNA component
- Hachimoji-RNA {f} = Hachimoji RNA
- RNA-Strukturvorhersage {f} = RNA structure prediction
- RNA-Sequenzierung {f} = RNA sequencing
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- The special properties of the HDV ribozyme's cleavage reaction make it a useful tool to prepare RNA transcripts with homogenous 3′ ends, an alternative to transcription of RNA with T7 RNA polymerase than can often produce heterogenous ends or undesired additions.
- The DE3 prophage found in BL21(DE3) provides T7 RNA polymerase (driven by the LacUV5 promoter), allowing for vectors with the T7 promoter to be used instead.
- Usually, each member of this DNA library has a T7 RNA polymerase transcription site and a ribosomal binding site at the 5’ end.
- Eigen built on Spiegelman's work and produced a similar system further degraded to just 48 or 54 nucleotides—the minimum required for the binding of the replication enzyme, this time a combination of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and T7 RNA polymerase.
- Termination efficiency of T7 RNA polymerase is around 74%, which creates issues when T7 RNA polymerase is used to produce recombinant proteins.
- The T7 promoter sequence is used extensively in molecular biology due to its extremely high affinity for T7 RNA polymerase and thus high level of expression.
- The polymerases used in RCA are Phi29, Bst, and Vent exo-DNA polymerase for DNA amplification, and T7 RNA polymerase for RNA amplification.
- Richardson's most highly-cited accomplishment was made while working with bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase in 1985.
- Modern "lacUV5" is seen in the BL21(DE3) strain, which carries both a "lac" operon with the standard promoter and a "lacUV5" operon split by the DE3 prophage (and as a result driving the T7 RNA polymerase instead).
- The crystal structure of the LC ribozyme was recently published. In brief, a circularly permutated (CP) ribozyme RNA was generated by in vitro transcription using T7 RNA polymerase.
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