 Übersetzung für 'Ta da' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Ta-da! [see here]Tada! [Siehe da!]
WRONG (common mistake) ta ta's [Am.] [sl.] [WRONG for: tatas][Titten]
WRONG (common mistake) ta-ta's [Am.] [sl.] [WRONG for: tatas][Titten]
Ta-ta! [Br.] [coll.]Auf Wiedersehen!
Ta-ta! [Br.] [coll.] Papa! [österr.] [ugs.] [Rsv.] [auch: Baba!] [Abschiedsgruß]
tantalum <Ta>
Tantal {n} <Ta>
tantalum <Ta>
Tantalum {n} <Ta> [veraltet] [Tantal]
technology assessment <TA>
Technikbewertung {f} [Technikfolgenabschätzung]
technical assistant <TA>technischer Gehilfe {m} [geh.]
technology assessment <TA>
Technologiefolgenabschätzung {f}
transition altitude <TA>
Übergangshöhe {f} [beim Steigflug]
ta tas [sl.]Tittis {pl} [ugs.]
transaction analysis <TA>
Transaktionsanalyse {f} <TA>
technical assistant <TA>technischer Assistent {m}
Ta, love! [Br.]Danke!
acquisition time <TA>
Aufnahmezeit {f}
Taylor number <Ta>
Taylor-Zahl {f} <Ta>
transactional analysis <TA>
Transaktionsanalyse {f} <TA>
teaching assistant <TA>
Schulbegleiter {m}
traffic announcement <TA>
Verkehrsdurchsage {f}
acquisition time <TA>
Akquisitionszeit {f}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • TA/DA during Inter University Tournaments.
  • "tee-tee-dji-dji" or "tee-dji-tee-dji" and also as "a waif-like "ta-da titi-da".
  • "Chanson D'Amour" was also sung by The Muppets in episode 28 of "The Muppet Show" . In the song, Crazy Harry, who sang the line "Ra-ta-da-ta-da," proceeded to blow up the entire set.
  • The band's first EP, "Passport", was released on Sonic Unyon Records in 2005, and their follow-up release, "Vacation" came out on Ta Da!
  • The closing organ theme chord segues into Austin laughing and singing "ta-da!

  • TA/DA scam (Travel And Dearness Allowance) is a corruption scandal during the Siddaramaiah administration in Karnataka state in India.
  • The civil penalty can be up to £20,000 per illegal worker, and/or a criminal sanction of an unlimited fine or imprisonment of five years, ta-da.
  • W"), and Busy Signal ("Ta Da Bang"). This was his second album released on the 9 Sound Clik label.
  • The Road Dawgs also appeared on "Hang Out and Hustle" and "Connections" on that album and on the Rottin Razkals debut album, "Rottin ta da Core", that same year.
  • "Hey Alright" is the second and final single released from the Rottin Razkals' debut album, "Rottin ta da Core".

  • "Oh Yeah" is the first single released from Rottin Razkals debut album, "Rottin ta da Core".
  • "Rottin ta da Core" is the first and only studio album by American rap group Rottin Razkals.
  • The strip is "silent", with only words such as "Crash" and "Bang", and ending with Marvo saying "Ta-da".
  • Decibully's final two albums, "World Travels Fast" & "Self Titled" (Ta Da, Booyah, Chainsaw, Us) were released by Listening Party Records.
  • The lemma or citation form of a Korean verb is the form that ends in ta [...] "da".

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