 Übersetzung für 'Takin' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a takin | takins
SYNO Budorcas taxicolor | gnu goat | takin
takin [Budorcas taxicolor]
Rindergämse {f}
takin [Budorcas taxicolor]
Rindergemse {f} [alt]
takin [Budorcas taxicolor]
Takin {m}
takin [Budorcas taxicolor]
Gnuziege {f}
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
Bhutan takin [Budorcas taxicolor whitei]
Bhutan-Takin {m}
golden takin [Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi]
Goldener Takin {m}
Mishmi takin [Budorcas taxicolor taxicolor]
Mishmi-Takin {m}
Sichuan takin [Budorcas taxicolor tibetana]
Sichuan-Takin {m}
Szechwan takin [spv.] [Budorcas taxicolor tibetana]
Sichuan-Takin {m}
Tibetan takin [Budorcas taxicolor tibetana]
Sichuan-Takin {m}
10 Übersetzungen
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  • Takin {m} = takin [Budorcas taxicolor]
  • Takin {m} = gnu goat [Budorcas taxicolor]
  • Takin {m} = cattle chamois [Budorcas taxicolor]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • They are blackbuck, Himalayan tahr and takin. The Metro Richmond Zoo is one of the few zoos in the United States to have takin on display, as it is considered a national treasure in China and receives the same protection as the giant panda.
  • The largest of these goat antelope is the takin, a relative of the musk ox.
  • The back paddocks are home to the zoos larger hoof stock and include Bactrian camel, reindeers, guanacos, bighorn sheep, and a Sichuan takin group.
  • Beginning in 2016, the zoo will have new exhibits featuring takin, wolverines, bison, and raptors.
  • Animals such as the takin, goral, Indian leopard, Bengal tiger, barking deer, serow and red panda are living there.

  • Learn more from recent article: "Takin’ care of business: Fred Turner on getting ‘in with the right bunch of fellows,’ where life is taking him next".
  • "Budorcas churcheri" is an extinct species of takin that lived in the Pliocene of Ethiopia. Its remains were found in the Hadar Formation.
  • There is also a notable takin wildlife sanctuary in the district, named Motithang Takin Preserve.
  • Important mammals in this ecoregion include the red panda, takin, musk deer, red goral, Asiatic black bear, and leopard.
  • The Mishmi takin ("Budorcas taxicolor taxicolor") is an endangered goat-antelope native to India, Myanmar and the People's Republic of China. It is a subspecies of takin.

  • Takin are found from forested valleys to rocky, grass-covered alpine zones, at altitudes between [...] above sea level.
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