 Übersetzung für 'The Throat' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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back of the throat
hinter der Kehle
4 Wörter: Verben
to grab sb. by the throatjdn. an der Gurgel packen
to rattle (in the throat)röcheln
4 Wörter: Substantive
affection of the throat
Halserkrankung {f}
cancer of the throat
Kehlkopfkrebs {m}
gonorrhea of the throat
Rachentripper {m} [ugs.]
gonorrhoea of the throat [Br.]
Rachentripper {m} [ugs.]
hollow of the throat
Halsgrube {f}
inflammation of the throat
Halsentzündung {f}
inflammation of the throat
Rachenentzündung {f}
inflammation of the throat
Kehlsucht {f} [veraltet]
inflammation of the throat
Halssucht {f} [veraltet]
inflammation of the throat [angina]
Bräune {f} [veraltet] [Halsentzündung, Angina, Synanche]
injury of the throat
Rachenverletzung {f}
irritation of the throat
Hustenreiz {m}
lump in the throat [fig.]Kloß {m} im Hals [fig.]
tickle in the throat
Hustenreiz {m}
tickle in the throat
Halskratzen {n}
tickle of the throat
Hustenreiz {m}
5+ Wörter: Andere
I will grab fate by the throat, it shall never drag me down.
Ich will dem Schicksal in den Rachen greifen, ganz niederbeugen soll es mich gewiss nicht. [Ludwig van Beethoven]
The laughter sticks in sb.'s throat. [coll.] [idiom] Jdm. bleibt das Lachen im Hals stecken. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
5+ Wörter: Substantive
assessment of the mouth and throat
Mund- und Rachenuntersuchung {f}
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
The Throat [Peter Straub]
Der Schlund
dapple-throat / dabble throat [Arcanator orostruthus, syn.: Modulatrix orostruthus, Phyllastrephus orostruthus]
Rätselrötel {m} [auch: Rätsel-Rötel]
cut-throat / cut throat [Amadina fasciata]
Bandamadine {f}
spot-throat / spot throat [Modulatrix stictigula]
Fleckenkehltimalie {f}
dapple-throat / dapple throat [Arcanator orostruthus, syn.: Modulatrix orostruthus, Phyllastrephus orostruthus]
Bülbültimalie {f}
Gurgel {f}
Kehle {f}
Hals {m} [Kehle, Rachen]
Rachen {m}
throat lozenge
Lutschtablette {f}
throat lozenge
Halspastille {f}
throat tablet
Halstablette {f}
sore throat
Halsweh {n} [ugs.]
throat pouch
Kehlsack {m}
nozzle throat
Düsenhals {m}
throat seam
Kehlnaht {f}
throat preparations
Hals- und Rachentherapeutika {pl}
throat-clearingGeräusper {n}
throat patch
Kehlfleck {m}
throat microphone
Kehlkopfmikrophon {n}
throat depthBügeltiefe {f} [beim Bügeln]
43 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'The Throat' von Englisch nach Deutsch

back of the throat
hinter der Kehleanat.

to grab sb. by the throat
jdn. an der Gurgel packen
to rattle (in the throat)

affection of the throat
Halserkrankung {f}med.
cancer of the throat
Kehlkopfkrebs {m}med.
gonorrhea of the throat
Rachentripper {m} [ugs.]med.
gonorrhoea of the throat [Br.]
Rachentripper {m} [ugs.]med.
hollow of the throat
Halsgrube {f}anat.
inflammation of the throat
Halsentzündung {f}med.

Rachenentzündung {f}med.

Kehlsucht {f} [veraltet]med.

Halssucht {f} [veraltet]med.
inflammation of the throat [angina]
Bräune {f} [veraltet] [Halsentzündung, Angina, Synanche]med.
injury of the throat
Rachenverletzung {f}med.VetMed.
irritation of the throat
Hustenreiz {m}med.
lump in the throat [fig.]
Kloß {m} im Hals [fig.]
tickle in the throat
Hustenreiz {m}med.

Halskratzen {n}med.
tickle of the throat
Hustenreiz {m}med.

I will grab fate by the throat, it shall never drag me down.
Ich will dem Schicksal in den Rachen greifen, ganz niederbeugen soll es mich gewiss nicht. [Ludwig van Beethoven]quote
The laughter sticks in sb.'s throat. [coll.] [idiom]
Jdm. bleibt das Lachen im Hals stecken. [ugs.] [Redewendung]

assessment of the mouth and throat
Mund- und Rachenuntersuchung {f}med.

The Throat [Peter Straub]
Der Schlundlit.F

dapple-throat / dabble throat [Arcanator orostruthus, syn.: Modulatrix orostruthus, Phyllastrephus orostruthus]
Rätselrötel {m} [auch: Rätsel-Rötel]orn.T
cut-throat / cut throat [Amadina fasciata]
Bandamadine {f}orn.T
spot-throat / spot throat [Modulatrix stictigula]
Fleckenkehltimalie {f}orn.T
dapple-throat / dapple throat [Arcanator orostruthus, syn.: Modulatrix orostruthus, Phyllastrephus orostruthus]
Bülbültimalie {f}orn.T
Gurgel {f}anat.VetMed.

Kehle {f}anat.VetMed.

Hals {m} [Kehle, Rachen]anat.

Rachen {m}anat.zool.
throat lozenge
Lutschtablette {f}pharm.

Halspastille {f}pharm.
throat tablet
Halstablette {f}pharm.
sore throat
Halsweh {n} [ugs.]med.
throat pouch
Kehlsack {m}zool.
nozzle throat
Düsenhals {m}aviat.
throat seam
Kehlnaht {f}engin.
throat preparations
Hals- und Rachentherapeutika {pl}pharm.
Geräusper {n}
throat patch
Kehlfleck {m}orn.zool.
throat microphone
Kehlkopfmikrophon {n}audio
throat depth
Bügeltiefe {f} [beim Bügeln]
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • A venturi has an inherent advantage over an orifice because of its smooth converging and diverging sections, such that it can generate a higher flow velocity at the throat for a given pressure drop across it.
  • An often used example is "putting a gun to someone's head" ("at gunpoint") or putting a "knife under the throat" ("at knifepoint" or cut-throat) to compel action under the threat that non-compliance may result in the attacker harming or even killing the victim.
  • The death penalty for adultery was strangulation, except in the case of a woman who was the daughter of a Kohen (Aaronic priestly caste), which was specifically mentioned in Scripture as the penalty of burning (pouring molten lead down the throat).
  • The posterior "pharyngeal" part is the part closest to the throat, roughly one-third of its length.
  • There are several things that can cause a larynx to not function properly. Some symptoms are hoarseness, loss of voice, pain in the throat or ears, and breathing difficulties.

  • The anal opening is so far forward that it is in the throat region.
  • The "teeth" of some conodonts have been interpreted as filter-feeding apparatuses, filtering plankton from the water and passing it down the throat.
  • There are also possibility to create the overtone out of fundamental tone without any stress on the throat.
  • Originally a sealed streamlined cap, the modern pen cap has a small hole at the top to meet safety standards, helping to prevent suffocation if children suck it into the throat.
  • Frogs create this sound by passing air through the larynx in the throat.

  • The observation or instrumentation chamber ("test section") was then placed at the proper location in the throat or nozzle for the desired airspeed.
  • Additionally, topical oral analgesic medications or salt water rinses can be used to help numb the sores and ease the throat pain.
  • The other kind of noninvasive indirect indication of vocal fold motion is the electroglottography, in which electrodes placed on either side of the subject's throat at the level of the vocal folds record the changes in the conductivity of the throat according to how large a portion of the vocal folds are touching each other.
  • For high compression ratios the throat between adjacent rotor blades (as shown in the image) is pointing as much as possible in the forward direction.
  • When hunting larger animals, tigers prefer to bite the throat and use their powerful forelimbs to hold onto the prey, often simultaneously wrestling it to the ground.

  • The final normal shock has to occur in the vicinity of a minimum flow area known as the throat, which is followed by the subsonic diffuser.
  • The athlete grabs the throat of the opponent with the four fingers on the outside of the throat and the tip of the thumb pressing in and down the hollow of the throat, putting pressure on the trachea.
  • Consonants made by constrictions of the throat are pharyngeals, and those made by a constriction in the larynx are laryngeal.
  • The cheek pads are made mostly of fatty tissue and are supported by the musculature of the face. The throat pouches act as resonance chambers for making long calls.
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