 Übersetzung für 'Tobin's' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Tobin's q (ratio) [also: Q]
tobinsches Q {n}
Tobin's q (ratio) [Also: Q]
Tobin's Q {n} {m}
Tobin's q (ratio) [also: Q]
Tobinsches Q {n} [alt]
Tobin's q (ratio) [also: Q]
tobinscher Quotient {m} <tobinscher Q>
Tobin's q (ratio) [also: Q]
Tobin'scher Quotient {m} <Tobin'scher Q>
Tobin's q (ratio) [also: Q]
Tobinscher Quotient {m} [alt] <Tobinscher Q>
Tobin's q (ratio) [also: Tobin's Q (ratio)]
Tobin'sches Q {n} [Tobin'scher Quotient]
7 Übersetzungen
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  • Tobin's Q {n} {m} = Tobin's q (ratio) [Also: Q]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • His grandsons, Edmund Tobin Asselin (1920–1999) and Joseph Patrick Tobin Asselin (1930–2005), were both Members of Parliament.
  • In 1878, Tobin's daughter Pasqualia married William (Billy) Carson, a son of Kit Carson.
  • Tobin is the daughter of Stella (née Wright), and James Tobin. Tobin has two older siblings, James Jr. and Maureen, and a younger brother, Christopher Tobin.
  • Mary Ann Tobin was born to Joseph Dalton Tobin Sr. and Mary Hulett (Broadbent) Tobin.
  • A men's dormitory facility on the Long Island Hospital campus on Long Island in Boston Harbor is dedicated to Tobin.

  • The estate was first owned by James Tobin senior, and then his son, James Tobin (1736/7–1817), from whom it passed to his friend and business associate John Pinney.
  • His ex-wife is cyclist Katrin Tobin who he met when Tobin was a member of the American national team.
  • Stirner and his work greatly influenced Steve Tobin, causing Tobin to organize exhibitions at the Payne Gallery of Moravian College and the James A.
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