 Übersetzung für 'Tower of David' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Tower of David [Jerusalem]Davidszitadelle {f}
Star of David
Davidstern {m}
Star of David
Davidsstern {m}
Star of David
Judenstern {m} [im Nationalsozialismus Bezeichnung für den Davidstern]
the city of David
die Stadt {f} Davids
Dances of the League of David
Davidsbündlertänze [Robert Schumann]
You true God and son of David
Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn [J. S. Bach, BWV 23]
Shield of David [rare] [Star of David, Magen David]
Davidstern {m}
ascent of the towerTurmbesteigung {f} [Besteigung des Turmes]
the Tower of Babel
der Turmbau {m} zu Babel
Tower of the Winds
Turm {m} der Winde
tower of strength [fig.]Fels {m} in der Brandung [fig.]
base of a tower
Turmsockel {m} [Sockel eines Turmes]
building (of) a tower
Bau {m} eines Turmes / Turms
base of the tower
Turmsockel {m} [Sockel des Turmes]
Tower of Silence [Dakhma]
Turm {m} des Schweigens
ascent of a towerTurmbesteigung {f} [Besteigung eines Turmes]
illumination of the towerTurmbeleuchtung {f}
top of the tower
Turmspitze {f}
air outlet (of cooling tower)Kühlturmmündung {f}
to visit the Tower (of London)
den Tower (of London) besichtigen
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The Penn Avenue main entrance carvings represent the City of God (left) and the Tower of David (right).
  • On 15 July, he surrendered Jerusalem to Raymond of Saint-Gilles in the Tower of David and was escorted out of the city with his bodyguard.
  • Theodosius began his monastic labors under the hermit abbot Longinus, settling near the Tower of David.
  • Later commentators identified this site with the Tower of David.
  • Melisende and Amalric sought refuge in the Tower of David.

  • In 1924, he was the first artist to hold a solo exhibition at the Tower of David, in Jerusalem (later exhibited in Tel Aviv at Gymnasia Herzliya).
  • The finest drafted masonry is that dating from the time of Herod the Great, in the tower of David and the walls of the "Haram" in Jerusalem, and at Hebron.
  • In 1917, British general Edmund Allenby entered the Old City through the Jaffa Gate, giving a speech at the nearby Tower of David.
  • In Israel, a son et lumière production is presented both at the Tower of David in the Citadel of the Old City of Jerusalem, and at the desert butte of Masada.
  • F" mark of the "L"egio "X" "F"retensis are present at the Tower of David in Jerusalem.

  • The route traced by Gibson begins in a parking lot in the Armenian Quarter, then passes the Ottoman walls of the Old City next to the Tower of David near the Jaffa Gate before turning towards the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
  • Melisende with her younger son Amalric and others sought refuge in the Tower of David.
  • The wall around the Ark is decorated with folk art paintings of the Tower of David and Rachel's Tomb.
  • In 2016, Fain collaborated with interdisciplinary musician Jacob Marshall of Mae and artist David Lobser to create the first ever VR experience synced to a live performance at Jerusalem’s Tower of David to close the Forbes’ 30 Under 30 Summit.
  • Centro Financiero Confinanzas (English: Confinanzas Financial Center), also known as Torre de David (the Tower of David), is an unfinished abandoned skyscraper in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela.

  • In the women's section there is a verse in praise of women: "Your neck is like the tower of David built with turrets" (Song of Songs 4:4).
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