 Übersetzung für 'Tower of London' von Englisch nach Deutsch
to visit the Tower (of London)
den Tower (of London) besichtigen
Yeomen Warders (of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London)
Yeomen Warders {pl} [Wärter im Tower von London]
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
Tower of London [Rowland V. Lee]
Der Henker von London
native of Londongeborener Londoner {m}
City of London
City of London {f}
map of London
Stadtplan {m} von London
citizen of LondonBürger {m} von London
native of London(gebürtiger) Londoner {m}
native of London [female](gebürtige) Londonerin {f}
Werewolf of London [Stuart Walker]
Der Werwolf von London
in London of all places {adv}gerade in London [ausgerechnet in London]
Port of London Authority <PLA>
Londoner Hafenverwaltung {f}
London has large chunks of poverty. [Br.]Armut ist in London sehr verbreitet.
Tower of the Winds
Turm {m} der Winde
building (of) a tower
Bau {m} eines Turmes / Turms
ascent of the towerTurmbesteigung {f} [Besteigung des Turmes]
Tower of Silence [Dakhma]
Turm {m} des Schweigens
ascent of a towerTurmbesteigung {f} [Besteigung eines Turmes]
illumination of the towerTurmbeleuchtung {f}
tower of strength [fig.]Fels {m} in der Brandung [fig.]
top of the tower
Turmspitze {f}
base of the tower
Turmsockel {m} [Sockel des Turmes]
the Tower of Babel
der Turmbau {m} zu Babel
23 Übersetzungen
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  • den Tower (of London) besichtigen = to visit the Tower (of London)
  • City of London {f} = City of London
  • Tower {m} = (control) tower
  • Tower {m} = Tower [London]
  • Sears Tower {m} = Sears Tower
  • Tower Hill {m} = Tower Hill [London]
  • Devils Tower {m} = Devils Tower [mountain in Wyoming, USA]
  • Löwenwärter {m} im Tower = Keeper of the Lions at the Tower [Br.]
  • Devil's Tower – Der Schreckensturm der Zombies = Tower of Evil [Jim O'Connolly]
  • Freefall-Tower {m} [Fahrgeschäft in Freizeitparks und auf Volksfesten] = drop tower [a type of amusement ride]
  • London {n} = London
  • London Killing = The Hollow Man [Oliver Harris]
  • London-Kräfte {pl} = London forces
  • London-Kräfte {pl} = London dispersion forces <LD forces, LDF>
  • London-Kraft {f} = London force <LD>
  • London-Gleichung {f} = London equation
  • London Underground = Deep Shelter [Oliver Harris]
  • London-Gleichungen {pl} = London equations
  • Groß-London {n} = Greater London
  • London NW = NW [Zadie Smith]
  • London-Dispersion {f} = (London) dispersion forces {pl} <LD forces, LDF>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • All these crowns are on display in the Jewel House at the Tower of London with crystal replicas of the diamond set in the older crowns.
  • In order to promote manufacturing, the Crown paid for models of Lombe's machinery which were exhibited in the Tower of London.
  • From 1960 to 1965, he served as Constable of the Tower of London.
  • On 23 June 1509, Henry led the now 23-year-old Catherine from the Tower of London to Westminster Abbey for their coronation, which took place the following day.
  • Impressed by Coppola's perseverance and dedication, Corman hired him as a dialogue director for "Tower of London" (1962), sound man for "The Young Racers" (1963) and associate producer and one of many uncredited directors for "The Terror" (1963).

  • Some of the best-known medieval castles are the Tower of London, Warwick Castle, Durham Castle and Windsor Castle.
  • and Constable of the Tower of London on 5 February 1827.
  • They were to escort Catherine in a flotilla of barges on the Thames to the Tower of London.
  • In 1255, Louis IX of France gave an elephant to Henry III of England for his menagerie in the Tower of London.
  • In 1547 the Master of Armoury in the Tower of London ordered 46 sets of bards and crinets in preparation for the final invasion of Scotland in the war known as the Rough Wooing.

  • He was buried at the Tower of London, in the chapel of St Peter ad Vincula in an unmarked grave.
  • Edward deposed King John, placed him in the Tower of London, and installed Englishmen to govern the country.
  • The Tower system was referenced to a standard prototype found in the Tower of London and ran concurrently with the avoirdupois and troy systems until the reign of Henry VIII, when a royal proclamation dated 1526 required that the troy pound to be used for mint purposes instead of the Tower pound.
  • Davison was arrested, thrown into the Tower of London, and found guilty of misprision.
  • It was also claimed that the gun could be reloaded 'as often as you like' and fired no matter the weather though the English government never adopted the weapon despite testing being carried out at the Tower of London.

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