 Übersetzung für 'Turkmen' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a Turkmen | Turkmens / Turkmen
SYNO Turcoman | Turkmen | Turkmenia | ...
Turkmen {adj}turkmenisch
Turkmene {m}
Turkmenisch {n}
Turkmen [female]
Turkmenin {f}
Turkmen {pl}
Turkmenen {pl}
Turkmen wild goat [Capra aegagrus turcmenica]
Turkmenische Wildziege {f}
6 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The Soviet-led standardization of the Turkmen language, education, and projects to promote ethnic Turkmen in industry, government and higher education led growing numbers of Turkmen to identify with a larger national Turkmen culture rather than with sub-national, pre-modern forms of identity.
  • Turkmen composer Nury Halmammedov put Ezizow's poetry to music, most notably in the composition "Türkmen sähra" ("Turkmen Steppe").
  • In 2020, he released a video on YouTube singing Turkmen song "Turkmen Sahrasy".
  • The Chief of the General Staff of Turkmen Armed Forces (...) is the highest-ranking military officer in the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, who is responsible for maintaining the operational command of the military and its three major branches.
  • Abdurrahman Mustafa (born 1964) is a Syrian Turkmen politician who is the incumbent president of the Syrian Turkmen Assembly, the umbrella organization of the Turkmen political movements in Syria, and the political leader of the Turkmen national movement of Syria.

  • Aside serbian, turkmen language is also official since 1988.
  • Traditional turkmen carpet making art has been inscribed on the Representative list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO in 2019.
  • However, the Sunni Turkmen population is believed to be considerably higher if Arabized Turkmen are also taken into consideration; some estimations indicate that only 30% of Turkmen still speak their mother tongue, therefore, the Arabic-speaking Turkmen are likely to be omitted from the Sunni Turkmen population estimates.
  • Ogulsapar Muradova (Turkmen: Огулсапар Мурадова; 1948 — 2006) was a Turkmen human rights activist and Radio Free Europe journalist.
  • Velimuhammet Muhadov or Welimuhammet Muhadow (Turkmen Cyrillic: Велимухаммет Мухадов; [...]; [...] – 6 January 2005), also known as Veli Muhadov or Weli Muhadow (Turkmen Cyrillic: Вели Мухадов; [...]), was a Turkmen composer.

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