 Übersetzung für 'Twerking' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Twerking {n}
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Übersetzung für 'Twerking' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Twerking {n}dance
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In 2014, she appeared in a commercial for Castro's new "Push-Up" jeans, showing her and two backup dancers twerking in the jeans.
  • It's stopped twerking." Walsh went on to take part in the O.
  • The hoaxes claim the town enacted bizarre legislation such as banning those of Korean descent, issuing handguns to school children, permitting bigamy, banning twerking, and the city being completely eradicated by zombies on bath salts.
  • It shows GloRilla and her friends partying and twerking at an airport tarmac, and on a Bentley.
  • One such clip featured the singer twerking atop a Ford Bronco.

  • In July 2022, a video from Mack's personal TikTok account went viral. In the video, Mack is shown in a bikini at the beach doing a headstand and twerking.
  • Her twerking with Lizzo went viral and made her the Professor who twerked with Lizzo.
  • Original Prank: Tamika and Kehonia's mom, Madeline, went viral for twerking in a bar.
  • Regarding the title, "wine" is in Jamaican patois a type of dance similar to twerking.
  • The next songs to be performed are "Bomba", in which twerking predominates as dance style, and "Mi Religión", while Espósito descends from the ceiling by commanding a DJ console surrounded by lights, smoke and special effects, which is described as "a 100% energetic moment that brings everyone to their feet for a party-like atmosphere".

  • Cyrus was also critiqued for appropriating twerking, a dance from African American culture that is performed by shaking the buttocks.
  • The video for "Pop 101" was directed by Kyle Davison and parodies music video tropes and current trends of celebrity culture, including house parties, twerking and harems.
  • The title refers to American singer Miley Cyrus and her twerking incident when in March 2013, she posted a video on Facebook which featured her performing a twerking routine while wearing a unicorn suit, to the 2011 single "Wop" by J.
  • The song was a hit in the early 2000's and was played on urban and pop radio stations. Most notably, it also popularized the dance of twerking.
  • In October 2017, Valerie Dixon who was 27 years old, was arrested in Lake County, Florida, because she was twerking and speaking foul language in front of a school bus.

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