 Übersetzung für 'Twilight Zone' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a twilight zone | twilight zones
SYNO no man's land | twilight zone
twilight zoneGrauzone {f}
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
The Twilight Zone [2002-2003]
Twilight Zone
Twilight Zone [1959-1964]
Unwahrscheinliche Geschichten / Geschichten, die nicht zu erklären sind
twilightGedämmer {n} [dichter.]
twilightDämmer {m} [dichter.]
Geschichte eines Unterganges [Stefan Zweig]
twilightHalbdunkel {n} [Dämmerung]
twilightDämmerlicht {n}
twilightZwielicht {n}
twilight sleep
Dämmerschlaf {m}
twilight vision
Dämmerungs­sehen {n}
twilight areaGrauzone {f}
twilight wedge
Erdschattenbogen {m}
twilight switch
Dämmerungs­schalter {m}
twilight sky
Dämmerungs­himmel {m}
at twilight {adv}im Dämmer [geh.] [im Dämmerlicht]
twilight-active {adj}
at twilight {adv}im Zwielicht
twilight economy
Schattenwirtschaft {f}
twilight years {pl}Lebensabend {m}
at twilight {adv}im Dämmerlicht
at twilight {adv}in der Dämmerung
twilight state
Dämmerzustand {m}
23 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!

  • Twilight Zone = The Twilight Zone [2002-2003]
  • Zone {f} = zone
  • Zone {f} = area
  • Zone {f} = belt [area, zone]
  • headsche Zone {f} = Head's / Head zone
  • H-Zone {f} = H-zone
  • Brillouin-Zone {f} = Brillouin zone
  • hadale Zone {f} = hadal zone
  • atomwaffenfreie Zone {f} = nuclear-weapons-free zone <NWFZ>
  • kernwaffenfreie Zone {f} = nuclear-weapons-free zone <NWFZ>
  • unsortierte Zone {f} = unsorted zone
  • Head-Zone {f} = Head's / Head zone
  • verkehrsberuhigte Zone {f} = reduced-traffic area
  • gesetzesfreie Zone {f} = free-for-all
  • seismogene Zone {f} = seismogenic zone
  • öffentliche Zone {f} = public area
  • gemäßigte Zone {f} = temperate region
  • bilaminäre Zone {f} = bilaminar zone
  • G-Zone {f} = Gräfenberg spot
  • Gräfenberg-Zone {f} = Gräfenberg spot
  • Schengen-Zone {f} = Schengen Area / area
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • ", and several television shows, including "The Twilight Zone" and "Crime Story" before gaining national attention as the grandson in the 1987 film "The Princess Bride" opposite Peter Falk.
  • He later guest-starred in episodes of "The Muppet Show" and "The Cosby Show", and in the 1980s revival "The Twilight Zone".
  • Dirk plays an eccentric TV host of a show called "Stranger Than Fiction", which is like a hybrid of "The Twilight Zone" and "The X-Files".
  • Rod Serling named his production company Cayuga Productions, during the years of his TV series, "The Twilight Zone". Serling and his family had a summer home at Cayuga Lake.
  • To the general public he is best known as the author of "To Serve Man", a 1950 short story adapted for "The Twilight Zone".

  • McDevitt's first published story was "The Emerson Effect" in "The Twilight Zone Magazine" in 1981.
  • After leaving animation, Straczynski freelanced for "The Twilight Zone" writing an episode entitled ("What Are Friends For") and, for Shelley Duvall's "Nightmare Classics", adaptating "The Strange Case of Dr.
  • U.S. television science fiction has produced "Lost In Space", "Star Trek", "The Twilight Zone," and "The X-Files", among others.
  • Bradbury's short story "I Sing the Body Electric" (from the book of the same name) was adapted for the 100th episode of "The Twilight Zone". The episode was first aired on May 18, 1962.
  • He cites "The Twilight Zone" and the "Star Trek" episode "For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky" as having inspired "Might and Magic" lore.

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