| NOUN | a U-shaped valley | U-shaped valleys |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| geogr.geol. U-shaped valley | U-Tal {n} | |
| geogr.geol. U-shaped valley | Trogtal {n} | |
Teiltreffer |
| U-shaped {adj} | hufeisenförmig | |
| U-shaped {adj} | U-förmig [auch: u-förmig] | |
| audio U-shaped hearing loss | senkenförmiger Hörverlust {m} | |
| anat.cosmet. U-shaped upper (lip) vermilion | U-förmiger Kupidobogen {m} | |
| basin-shaped valley | Talbecken {n} | |
| geogr. V-shaped valley | Kerbtal {n} | |
| U and non-U speech classification [Br.] | Unterschiede {pl} in der Sprechweise zwischen Ober- und Unterschicht | |
| hist. Berlin Conference of the Three Heads of Government of the U.S.S.R., U.S.A., and U.K. [also: ... of the USSR, the USA, and the UK] [Potsdam Conference] | Dreimächtekonferenz {f} von Berlin [Potsdamer Konferenz] | |
| phys. up quark <u quark, u> | Up-Quark {n} <u-Quark, u> | |
| tech. u-steel / U-steel | U-Stahl {m} | |
| pol. U.S. Government Accountability Office <U.S. GAO > | US-Bundesrechnungshof {m} | |
| eight-shaped {adj} <8-shaped> | achtförmig <8-förmig> | |
| bot.T wild lily-of-the-valley / lily of the valley [Maianthemum bifolium, syn.: Convallaria bifolia] | Zweiblättriges Schattenblümchen {n} | |
| bot.T wild lily-of-the-valley / lily of the valley [Maianthemum bifolium, syn.: Convallaria bifolia] | Zweiblatt {n} | |
| bot.T wild lily-of-the-valley / lily of the valley [Maianthemum bifolium, syn.: Convallaria bifolia] | Zweiblättrige Schattenblume {f} | |
| phys. Umklapp process <U-process, u-process> | Umklappprozess {m} <U-Prozess> | |
| math.stat. union <U> | Vereinigungsmenge {f} <U> [auch: Vereinigung] 19 | |
| U-turn | Kehrtwendung {f} | |
| U-turn | Fahrtrichtungswechsel {m} [um 180°] | |
| to U-turn | eine Kehrtwendung vollziehen | |
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Formed during the last major ice age, it has a classic U-shaped valley formation caused by the action of glaciers carving away the rock.
- The canyon was formed by glaciers which retreated at the end of the last glacial maximum approximately 15,000 years ago, leaving behind a U-shaped valley.
- It is situated in a large U-shaped valley on the east coast of the island.
- After Waunfawr the road joins the Gwyrfai Valley, a glaciated U-shaped valley along the west side of Snowdon.
- The small Lago di Pilato within a deep u-shaped valley below Monte Vettore, is home to a crustacean endemic of this location, the "Chirocephalus marchesonii".
- This in turn flows through a U-shaped valley and finally – renamed Howes Beck – passes through Bampton to the Lowther.
- Pinkham Notch was eroded into a glacial U-shaped valley whose walls are formed by the Presidential, Wildcat, and Carter-Moriah ranges.
- Coledale is a narrow U-shaped valley running approximately north-east towards the Derwent Valley floodplain and the village of Braithwaite at the northeastern end.
- A tunnel valley is a U-shaped valley originally cut under the glacial ice near the margin of continental ice sheets such as that now covering Antarctica and formerly covering portions of all continents during past glacial ages.
- The Celtic root of the name comes either from "glann" (shining) or from "glen" (U-shaped valley).
- The Amery Ice Shelf occupies a very large U-shaped valley with exposed nunataks along the flanks reaching 1500 m in elevation and total relief as high as 3000 m.
- Great Langdale is a U-shaped valley formed by glaciers, while Little Langdale is a hanging valley.
- A tunnel valley is a large, long, U-shaped valley originally cut under the glacial ice near the margin of continental ice sheets such as that now covering Antarctica and formerly covering portions of all continents during past glacial ages.
- In the region near the national park boundary the Hoh River occupies a U-shaped valley with a flat bottom about one mile across.
- The most famous valley is the Lairig Ghru pass, a gouge through the centre of the mountains—a u-shaped valley, now partly filled with extensive scree produced by intense frost action during ice-free periods.
- In terms of a glacier, it is a similar principal; the moving of rocks over a surface wears it away with friction, digging a channel that, when the glacier moves away, is called a U-shaped valley.
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