12 Übersetzungen
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- Uraufführung {f} <UA, U> = premiere [first performance, showing ever]
- Unterausschuss {m} <UA> = subcommittee <SC>
- Unterabsatz {m} <UA> = subpar [short for: subparagraph]
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- Cathal Crobhdearg Ua Conchobair (Anglicised as Cathal O'Connor/O'Conor and Cathal the Red-handed O'Conor) (1153–1224), was a king of Connacht.
- ua is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Ukraine.
- The Magc Dorchaids (Mac dorcy, Darcy) were the chief family. Ua Cuaggain and Ua Tormadain are noted as chiefs in 1159.
- The Annals of Ulster state- "The Muinnter-Raghallaigh were killed by Aedh, son of Feidhlimidh Ua Conchobuir (and by Conchubur, son of Tigernan Ua Ruairc).
- The company has more than 30 projects in seven countries. The fund's portfolio includes Ukrainian IT companies Doc.ua, Softcube and Zakaz.ua.
- Group of public companies “UkrLandFarming” PLC (https://www.ulf.com.ua/en/) and “Avangardco” IPL (https://avangardco.ua/).
- The site was established as news.1plus1.tv or news.1plus1.ua, later in 2008 already as tsn.ua.
- The species is known from the Marquesas Islands, from Nuku Hiva, Ua Huka, Ua Pou, Hiva Oa and Tahuata.
- Conchobar ua nDiarmata, Noble of Connacht and foster-son to Ruaidrí Ua Conchobair, died 1189.
- Ruaidhrí Mear was a son of Taichleach mac Niall Ua Dubhda.
- For example, in the Ua ubura courtyard, oaths are taken, and the ua Ikomo is used for naming ceremonies.
- Mac Gilla Cellaig Ua Ruaidín became Bishop sometime after the death of his predecessor, and apparent kinsman, Ímar Ua Ruaidín, in 1176.
- Aed Meith Ua Neill invaded Connacht to aid Donn Óge Mag Oireachtaigh who had been deprived of his lands by King Aedh Ua Conchobair.
- Following the treaty, Tairdelbach faced rebellion from his sons Aed and Ruaidhri.
- Grave accent marks stress (except for "o" which is marked by an acute to distinguish it from "ò") and breaks diphthongs, so "ua" and "uà" are [...] , but "ùa" is pronounced separately, [...].
- After various authors. Birthdates are unknown. "mac" = son of; "ingen" = daughter of; "ua" = grandchild of; "Ua (h)Ímair" = surname (descendant of Ímar).
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