Übersetzung für '
Ural owl' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a Ural owl | Ural owls |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- His work "Fukurō / Ural Owl" won the Domon Ken Award in 1990. In 1996 two of his books won the Kodansha Publishing Culture Award (...) for a work of photography.
- As a result, he is mistaken for a ural owl. His birthday is October 2.
- Protected fauna species include white-backed woodpecker ("Picoides leucotos"), middle spotted woodpecker ("Leiopicus medius"), Ural owl (" Strix uralensis"), Eurasian pygmy owl ("Glaucidium passerinum").
- Species listed in the Novosibirsk Oblast Red Data Book: Gray marmot, European honey buzzard, Ural owl, Hawfinch, butterflies Apollo and Swallowtail, dragonflies Detka pyatnoglazy and Macromia amphigena fraenata.
- Since 2012, volunteers have been breeding Ural owl in the Izdrevaya basin.
- The result is that northern taiga species, such as the Ural owl, can be found in close proximity to southern steppe species such as the European bee-eater.
- Habitat loss resulted in the extinction of the Ural owl in Austria.
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