21 Übersetzungen
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- believed that Finno-Ugric (the western branch of the Uralic) languages were first spoken in Finland and the adjacent areas during the Comb Ceramic period, around 4000 BC at the latest.
- Linguistic connections between Hungarian and other Uralic languages were noticed in the 1670s, and the family itself (then called Finno-Ugric) was established in 1717.
- Further evidence of the laryngeals has been found in Uralic languages, and some marginal cases also in Kartvelian.
- The Khanty language is part of the Ugric branch of the Uralic languages, and thus most closely related to Mansi and Hungarian.
- Attempts at reconstructing a Proto-Finno-Ugric proto-language, a common ancestor of all Uralic languages except for the Samoyedic languages, are largely indistinguishable from Proto-Uralic, suggesting that Finno-Ugric might not be a historical grouping but a geographical one, with Samoyedic being distinct by lexical borrowing rather than actually being historically divergent.
- Asko Parpola has re-opened this debate by presenting archaeological and linguistic evidence, but notes that the links may go earlier to Uralic languages roots.
- According to Juha Janhunen, and other linguists, the homeland of the Uralic languages is located in South-Central Siberia in the Sayan Mountains region.
- ... is a suppletive variant in the nominative and accusative, as is common in Uralic languages).
- On the contrary, consonant gradation has also been viewed as inheritance from Proto-Uralic, as it occurs also in other Uralic languages.
- Many, though not all, Uralic languages show vowel harmony between front and back vowels.
- They are unclassified languages: their origin and relation to other languages are unknown; some scholars consider them distantly related to the Uralic languages, but this classification is not accepted by the majority of specialists in Uralic linguistics.
- As the Uralic languages don't possess the verb "to have", it is the subject in the adessive case + "on" (for example, " [...] ", "I have", literally "at me is").
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