 Übersetzung für 'Uralic' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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SYNO Uralic | Uralic language
Uralic {adj}uralisch
Uralic languagesuralische Sprachen {pl}
Uralic studies {pl}
Uralistik {f}
3 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Uralic languages differ from each other in the particulars of negation predicate use but continue to show specific similarities.
  • The lative case is typical of the Uralic languages and it was one of the Proto-Uralic cases. It still exists in many Uralic languages, such as Finnish, Erzya, Moksha, and Meadow Mari.
  • Many, though not all, Uralic languages show vowel harmony between front and back vowels.
  • The Indo-Uralic (or "Indo-Euralic") hypothesis suggests that Uralic and Indo-European are related at a fairly close level or, in its stronger form, that they are more closely related than either is to any other language family.
  • The existence of "öö" is clear, as this sound had regularly evolved from other combinations of sounds, in words of Uralic origin (e.g. "*söö-" 'to eat' ← Proto-Uralic "*sewi-").

  • Various Proto-Uralic homeland hypotheses on the origin of the Uralic languages and the location (Urheimat or homeland) and period in which the Proto-Uralic language was spoken, have been advocated over the years.
  • In 2001, Maavalla Koda was one of the founders of an umbrella organisation, the Uralic Communion, founded in order to facilitate co-operation among adherents of Uralic native religions.
  • is reconstructed as originating in Proto-Uralic *ś, while ∅ : [...] is reconstructed as Proto-Uralic *s.
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