 Übersetzung für 'Urals' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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SYNO Ural Mountains | Urals
Urals {pl}
Ural {m}
in the eastern foothills of the central Urals {adv}
in den östlichen Ausläufern des Mittleren Urals / Ural
2 Übersetzungen
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  • in den östlichen Ausläufern des Mittleren Urals / Ural = in the eastern foothills of the central Urals
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The most widespread kind of quray is a quray made from the stem of the umbelliferous plant, called "urals edgepistil" or "Kamchatka pleurospermum" (Pleurospermum uralense).
  • Katil led his herd to the Urals and submitted to people.
  • In 1990 Kirishineftekhimexport together with Volgotanker, Sadko Oil and several individuals founded joint venture Urals Ltd.
  • In 1936 the first phase of the largest in the country and the first in the Urals coke producing plant - Gubakhinskiy coke plant - was started up.
  • The word means "highland", "ridge" or "backbone" in Turkic languages ("sırt") and is present in Turkic toponymy in the mentioned areas: in Tien Shan, Pamirs, South Urals, such as Obshchiy Syrt by Urals, Uzun-Syrt ("Long back") plateau by Koktebel in Crimea.

  • It is the oldest establishment of higher education in the Middle Urals.
  • The languages are spoken in the region between the Urals and the Ob River and the Irtysh in central Russia.
  • Another major industrial enterprise was the Urals Auto Motor Plant, founded in 1967.
  • He published more than 140 scientific papers, mainly devoted to the study of geology and minerals of the Middle and Northern Urals, Pai-Khoi (Polar Urals), and Pechora Territory.
  • The Polar Urals (...) are a mountain range in the western part of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the northeastern part of Komi, Russian Federation.

  • In the Western Urals, the shihans geologically are reef residues left by ancient seas and are composed of sedimentary limestone. In the Urals, shihans are rocky peaks of the mountains.
  • Most specimens have been found in the middle Urals or mines in Italy.
  • Uralo-Kavkaz (literally Urals and Caucasus) and was founded in 1914, when the Urals and Caucasus Joint-stock Company started operating a coal mine here.
  • Bashkiriya is in the "Urals montane tundra and taiga" ecoregion.
  • "Theotokos Uralskaya" ("Our Lady of Urals") is the Russian Orthodox Marian icon locally venerated in Ekaterinburg and Urals.

  • Raw materials are abundant as well, including potassium and magnesium salt deposits in the Kama River region of the western Urals.
  • Sverdlovsk led the "Urals Five" (Kurgan Oblast, Orenburg Oblast, Perm Krai, Chelyabinsk Oblast and Sverdlovsk) in a call for greater regional power.
  • The Hungarians view their ancestral home as the Urals during the early medieval periods of the world.
  • Vishersky is in the Urals montane tundra and taiga ecoregion, a region the runs north–south along the ridge of the Urals Mountains that separates the Russian Plain from the West Siberian Plain.
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