 Übersetzung für 'Uruguayans' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a Uruguayan | Uruguayans
Uruguayer {pl}
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'Uruguayans' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Uruguayer {pl}ethn.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Uruguayans and Argentines share closely related demographic ties.
  • In 1976 the three-time worlds champions Club Nacional de Football played an exhibition match against Inter Giuliana, the score were favorable for the uruguayans 4-0.
  • The 2017 AmericasBarometer showed that 75% of Uruguayans supported same-sex marriage.
  • Uruguayans became accustomed to the constant devaluation of their currency.
  • Two decades ago Uruguayans did not care for energy efficiency but in 2004 the Project Energy Efficiency Uruguay promoted using energy in a more efficient way.

  • According to the census of 2012, there are about 1,200 Uruguayans in Costa Rica. This country has recently proved attractive for Uruguayans entrepreneurs.
  • 1% of Uruguayans define themselves as Christian, Many Uruguayans nominally describe themselves as Roman Catholics, but lifestyle is not affected by the religion.
  • Uruguayans refer to themselves as "charrúa" when in the context of a competition or battle against a foreign contingent.
  • Portuguese Uruguayans are Uruguayans of full or partial Portuguese ancestry.
  • Afro-Uruguayans are Uruguayans of predominantly African descent.

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