Übersetzung für '
Uyghurs' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a Uyghur [person] | Uyghurs / Uyghur |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 Übersetzung
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- The "Globe" confirmed that Palau's agreement to give refuge to the Uyghurs was reached after the USA agreed to various secret payments.
- The Uyghurs of Taoyuan are the remnants of Uyghurs from Turpan from the Kingdom of Qocho.
- Around 5,000 Uyghurs live around Taoyuan County and other parts of Changde.
- Strict surveillance and mass detentions of Uyghurs in the Xinjiang re-education camps is a part of the ongoing sinicization policy by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
- In May 2009, he defended a group of seventeen Uyghurs who were held in Guantánamo Bay since 2002. He wrote that Uyghurs have faced discrimination and are not a threat to U.S. communities.
- In June 2009 Willett and Susan Baker Manning accompanied four Uyghurs, including Hassan Parhat, to freedom in Bermuda.
- Campaign for Uyghurs issues English language reports to help inform the international community about the threats facing Uyghurs and other Turkic peoples.
- In 742, he appointed Karluks to leadership of right wing and Uyghurs to leadership of left wing. However, he was soon deposed by Uyghurs, which signalled beginning of Uyghur Empire.
- The princess is also a vocal supporter for persecuted Uyghurs Muslims in China. In an April 2020 interview, she spoke out against the Xinjiang re-education camps and in support of persecuted Uyghurs.
- In Poso Uyghurs were being instructed by Santoso, the head of Mujahideen Indonesia Timur.
- The Uyghurs of a higher socioeconomic position opened restaurants.
- In 1008 the Ganzhou Uyghurs and Tanguts engaged in combat and the Uyghurs emerged victorious. The Liao dynasty attacked the Ganzhou Uyghurs and defeated them.
- Subjected to abuse and suppression in China, some Uyghurs who were seeking refuge resettled in different parts of the world.
- The Kuomintang CC Clique employed countermeasures in Xinjiang to prevent the traditionalist religious Uyghurs in the oases in southern Xinjiang from defecting to the pro-Soviet ETR Uyghurs in Ili in northern Xinjiang.
- Uyghurs in Pakistan are a small community of ethnic Uyghurs who live in Pakistan that originate from Xinjiang, China.
- Though a faction of the Uyghurs were Buddhists, the Manichaeism became the official religion of the Khaganate in the 8th century.
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