| NOUN | a V-formation | V-formations |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| V-formation | Keilform {f} | |
| mil.orn.stocks V-formation | V-Formation {f} | |
3 Wörter |
| spec.stocks reversed V-formation | umgekehrte V-Formation {f} | |
4 Wörter |
| a V formation of sth. [e.g. birds] | V-förmige Formation {f} [bes. bei Vögeln] | |
Teiltreffer |
| anat.VetMed. trigeminal nerve <CN V, CNV, V> [Nervus trigeminus] [fifth cranial nerve] | Trigeminus {m} <V> [kurz für: Nervus trigeminus] | |
| vice versa {adv} <vv, v.v.> | vice versa <v. v.> | |
| vice versa {adv} <vv, v.v.> | umgekehrt <v. v.> | |
| electr.RadioTV vertical sync pulse <VSYNC / V SYNC / V-sync / V-Sync pulse> | vertikaler Synchronisationsimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls> | |
| electr.RadioTV vertical sync pulse <VSYNC / V SYNC / V-sync / V-Sync pulse> | Vertikal-Synchronimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls> | |
| comm.fin. ad valorem <a.v., AV, a/v> | ad valorem <a. v.> | |
| ad valorem {adj} <a.v.> <a/v> | nach Wert | |
| electr. vee-vee connection <VV connection, V-V connection> | VV-Schaltung {f} | |
| versus {prep} <v, v., vs, vs.> | gegen <geg.> [+Akk.] 593 | |
| electr. ... V/div / V/div. / mV/div / mV/div. [oscilloscope] | ... V/Teil / V/Teil. / mV/Teil / mV/Teil. [Oszilloskop] | |
| tech. V-creel | V-Gatter {n} [Weberei, Spulengatter] | |
| tech. V-groove | Keilrille {f} | |
| tech. V groove | V-Nut {f} | |
| mil.orn. flying V | Keilformation {f} | |
| tech. V-weld | V-Naht {f} [Schweißen] | |
| V-shaped {adj} | v-förmig | |
| V-shaped {adj} | V-förmig [auch v-förmig] | |
| tech. V-belt | Keilriemen {m} | |
| cloth. V-neck | V-Ausschnitt {m} [z. B. am Pullover] | |
| cloth. V-collar | V-Kragen {m} | |
24 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'V formation' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- V-formation
- Keilform {f}
V-Formation {f}mil.orn.stocks
- reversed V-formation
- umgekehrte V-Formation {f}spec.stocks
- a V formation of sth. [e.g. birds]
- V-förmige Formation {f} [bes. bei Vögeln]
- trigeminal nerve <CN V, CNV, V> [Nervus trigeminus] [fifth cranial nerve]
- Trigeminus {m} <V> [kurz für: Nervus trigeminus]anat.VetMed.
- vice versa {adv} <vv, v.v.>
- vice versa <v. v.>
umgekehrt <v. v.>
- vertical sync pulse <VSYNC / V SYNC / V-sync / V-Sync pulse>
- vertikaler Synchronisationsimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls>electr.RadioTV
Vertikal-Synchronimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls>electr.RadioTV
- ad valorem <a.v., AV, a/v>
- ad valorem <a. v.>comm.fin.
- ad valorem {adj} <a.v.> <a/v>
- nach Wert
- vee-vee connection <VV connection, V-V connection>
- VV-Schaltung {f}electr.
- versus {prep} <v, v., vs, vs.>
- gegen <geg.> [+Akk.]
- ... V/div / V/div. / mV/div / mV/div. [oscilloscope]
- ... V/Teil / V/Teil. / mV/Teil / mV/Teil. [Oszilloskop]electr.
- V-creel
- V-Gatter {n} [Weberei, Spulengatter]tech.
- V-groove
- Keilrille {f}tech.
- V groove
- V-Nut {f}tech.
- flying V
- Keilformation {f}mil.orn.
- V-weld
- V-Naht {f} [Schweißen]tech.
- V-shaped {adj}
- v-förmig
V-förmig [auch v-förmig]
- V-belt
- Keilriemen {m}tech.
- V-neck
- V-Ausschnitt {m} [z. B. am Pullover]cloth.
- V-collar
- V-Kragen {m}cloth.
- V-Formation {f} = V-formation
- umgekehrte V-Formation {f} = reversed V-formation
- V-förmige Formation {f} [bes. bei Vögeln] = a V formation of sth. [e.g. birds]
- vice versa <v. v.> = vice versa <vv, v.v.>
- in Vertretung <i. V., I. V.> [vor Unterschrift] = on behalf of <pp., p.p., pp> [before signature]
- Initiative {f} Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland (Bund e. V.) <ISD, ISD-Bund e. V.> = Initiative of Black People in Germany
- umgekehrt <v. v.> = vice versa <vv, v.v.>
- zur besonderen Verwendung <zbV, z.b.V., z. b. V.> = for special deployment
- in Vertretung <i. V., I. V.> = by proxy <p.p.>
- in Vollmacht <i. V., I. V.> = per procura <ppa.>
- in Vertretung <i. V., I. V.> = per pro <p.p.>
- in Vollmacht <i. V., I. V.> = per pro <p.p.>
- von links nach rechts <v. l. n. r., v.l.n.r.> = from left to right <FLTR, f.l.t.r.>
- Formation {f} = flight
- Formation {f} = formation
- Formation {f} = period [in the geologic timescale]
- Rouleau-Formation {f} = rouleau formation
- Rouleaux-Formation {f} = rouleaux formation
- Abo-Formation {f} = Abo Formation [New Mexico]
- Seaham-Formation {f} = Seaham Formation [New South Wales, Australia]
- Barzaman-Formation {f} = Barzaman Formation [United Arab Emirates]
- Bidahochi-Formation {f} = Bidahochi Formation [Colorado to Arizona]
- Trossingen-Formation {f} = Trossingen Formation
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- They move as flocks in a classic V formation.
- They may fly in a V formation, but usually in regular lines or single file, often low over the water's surface.
- Power for the production models was originally provided by a pair of GM Diesel 4-71 four cylinder engines of 160 HP each connected by a fluid coupling and arranged side by side in a shallow V formation.
- In 1989, as the All Blacks were performing the haka in Lansdowne Road before playing Ireland, the Irish lined up in a tight V formation to facing New Zealand and then edged closer and closer to the All Blacks.
- Fasting and dressed in a bison headdress, the shaman led a group of people at the head of a V formation.
- In 2016, Hay released an album with side-project Flying V Formation, and his biography.
- During liberation period, American planes in V-formation fly in the sky.
- Modern Formula One power units are turbocharged, six cylinder engines in V formation, with an additional hybrid system.
- 0-liter three-cylinder engine received a new cylinder head assembly: the engine of the previous generation used the same block and corresponding components but featured a head with valves in a V-formation straddling a single camshaft with rocker arms on shafts, whereas now the cylinder head assumed a much slimmer profile, owing to the valves now being in a vertical, inline configuration, actuated by inverted buckets also serving as hydraulic valve lash adjusters, all underneath a single overhead camshaft.
- Geese, like other birds, fly in a V formation. During flight, communication between each bird is important and the V formation can make that easier.
- The name has been adopted by the birdwatching community to describe the familiar V-shaped formations of flights of geese, ducks and other migratory birds, though this more symmetric formation is more strictly defined as a V formation.
- One theory on migrating bird flight states that many larger bird species fly in a V formation so that all but the leader bird can take advantage of the upwash part of the wingtip vortex of the bird ahead.
- While the Americans were patrolling in a loose skirmishing V formation.
- During the burial rites at the King Street Catholic Cemetery, the United States Army Air Corps presented a fly-over ceremony in a v-formation.
- Vintar derived its name from the Ilocano word, "intar", which used to describe the formation or order taken by the subject from their ruler whenever the chief called them to attention.
- It is designed with 3 seats in a V-formation, with the driver at the apex, and has open sides. It is an urban car and has a range of [...] and a maximum speed of [...].
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