Übersetzung für '
V groove' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN1 | a V groove | V grooves |
| NOUN2 | a V-groove | V-grooves |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| tech. V groove | V-Nut {f} | |
| tech. V-groove | Keilrille {f} | |
Teiltreffer |
| anat.VetMed. trigeminal nerve <CN V, CNV, V> [Nervus trigeminus] [fifth cranial nerve] | Trigeminus {m} <V> [kurz für: Nervus trigeminus] | |
| vice versa {adv} <vv, v.v.> | umgekehrt <v. v.> | |
| vice versa {adv} <vv, v.v.> | vice versa <v. v.> | |
| electr.RadioTV vertical sync pulse <VSYNC / V SYNC / V-sync / V-Sync pulse> | vertikaler Synchronisationsimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls> | |
| electr.RadioTV vertical sync pulse <VSYNC / V SYNC / V-sync / V-Sync pulse> | Vertikal-Synchronimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls> | |
| comm.fin. ad valorem <a.v., AV, a/v> | ad valorem <a. v.> | |
| ad valorem {adj} <a.v.> <a/v> | nach Wert | |
| electr. vee-vee connection <VV connection, V-V connection> | VV-Schaltung {f} | |
| versus {prep} <v, v., vs, vs.> | gegen <geg.> [+Akk.] 593 | |
| electr. ... V/div / V/div. / mV/div / mV/div. [oscilloscope] | ... V/Teil / V/Teil. / mV/Teil / mV/Teil. [Oszilloskop] | |
| groove | Zarge {f} [Nut] 7 | |
| groove | Furche {f} [Rinne, Rille] 147 | |
| tech. groove | Kerbe {f} 504 | |
| groove | Nute {f} 20 | |
| groove | Rillennute {f} | |
| to groove | auskehlen [Längsnut] 15 | |
| to groove | Rillen machen | |
| mus. groove | Groove {m} 13 | |
| to groove | riefeln 11 | |
| groove | Spur {f} 69 | |
22 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'V groove' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- V groove
- V-Nut {f}tech.
- V-groove
- Keilrille {f}tech.
- trigeminal nerve <CN V, CNV, V> [Nervus trigeminus] [fifth cranial nerve]
- Trigeminus {m} <V> [kurz für: Nervus trigeminus]anat.VetMed.
- vice versa {adv} <vv, v.v.>
- umgekehrt <v. v.>
vice versa <v. v.>
- vertical sync pulse <VSYNC / V SYNC / V-sync / V-Sync pulse>
- vertikaler Synchronisationsimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls>electr.RadioTV
Vertikal-Synchronimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls>electr.RadioTV
- ad valorem <a.v., AV, a/v>
- ad valorem <a. v.>comm.fin.
- ad valorem {adj} <a.v.> <a/v>
- nach Wert
- vee-vee connection <VV connection, V-V connection>
- VV-Schaltung {f}electr.
- versus {prep} <v, v., vs, vs.>
- gegen <geg.> [+Akk.]
- ... V/div / V/div. / mV/div / mV/div. [oscilloscope]
- ... V/Teil / V/Teil. / mV/Teil / mV/Teil. [Oszilloskop]electr.
- groove
- Zarge {f} [Nut]
Furche {f} [Rinne, Rille]
Kerbe {f}tech.
Nute {f}
Rillennute {f}
Groove {m}mus.
Spur {f}
- to groove
- auskehlen [Längsnut]
Rillen machen
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Within the wide V-groove, there are twelve hydrogen bonds and six salt bridges between the monomers in the presence of phosphate binding.
- Similar to a French line, is a V-Groove. A V-Groove is a thin cut into the mat around the edge of the opening, revealing the core. It is used for much the same purpose as the French line.
- They demonstrated that it was superior to the VMOS (V-groove MOSFET) with its lower on-resistance and higher breakdown voltage.
- VMOS is also used for describing the V-groove shape vertically cut into the substrate material.
- It consists of a circular strap with an interior V-shaped groove.
- Forms C and D are simplified variants of A and B for manual use, eliminating features to accommodate automatic tool changers like a V-groove and associated orientation slots, and a recess for an RFID chip.
- This method is suitable for strain-resistant circuits (e.g. without SMD components). The operator simply breaks the PCB, usually along a prepared V-groove line, with the help of a proper fixture.
- In 1969, Hitachi introduced the first vertical power MOSFET, which would later be known as the VMOS (V-groove MOSFET). || Up to 3000 amperes, 5000 volts in a single silicon device.
- Butt joints will be single-V or double-V groove with 45-90° and 0-2 mm root gap. If welding a double-V groove, welding will need to be performed in a minimum of two passes.
- The desirability for a narrow gap means that most practical heads are made by forming a narrow V-shaped groove in the back face of the core, and grinding away the front face until the V-groove is just breached.
- This was achieved by machining a 90° “V”-groove into the bottom edge of the cathode.
- For example, track followers are available with a V-groove for following a V-track, or the OD can have a flange to follow the lip of the track.
- Babington and V Groove: Liquid is spread over a surface to decrease the surface tension, and passed over a gas orifice; 5.
- A canonical example of a kinematic coupling consists of three radial v-grooves in one part that mate with three hemispheres in another part.
- A J-groove is formed either with special cutting machinery or by grinding the joint edge into the form of a J.
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