 Übersetzung für 'V model' von Englisch nach Deutsch
V-Modell {n}
trigeminal nerve <CN V, CNV, V> [Nervus trigeminus] [fifth cranial nerve]
Trigeminus {m} <V> [kurz für: Nervus trigeminus]
vice versa {adv} <vv, v.v.>umgekehrt <v. v.>
vice versa {adv} <vv, v.v.>vice versa <v. v.>
vertical sync pulse <VSYNC / V SYNC / V-sync / V-Sync pulse>
Vertikal-Synchronimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls>
vertical sync pulse <VSYNC / V SYNC / V-sync / V-Sync pulse>
vertikaler Synchronisationsimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls>
ad valorem <a.v., AV, a/v>
ad valorem <a. v.>
ad valorem {adj} <a.v.> <a/v>nach Wert
three-dimensional tumour model <3D tumour model> [Br.]
dreidimensionales Tumormodell {n} <3D-Tumormodell>
three-dimensional tumor model <3D tumor model> [Am.]
dreidimensionales Tumormodell {n} <3D-Tumormodell>
input-process-output model <IPO model, I-P-O model>
Eingabe-Verarbeitung-Ausgabe-Modell {n} <EVA-Modell, E-V-A-Modell>
Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model <OSI model>
OSI-Referenzmodell {n}
Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model <OSI model>
OSI-Schichtenmodell {n}
Kimura 2-parameter model <K2P model>
Kimura-2-Parameter-Modell {n}
attraction-selection-attrition model <ASA model>
ASA-Modell {n}
finite element analysis model <FEA model>
Finite-Elemente-Methode-Modell {n} <FEM-Modell>
entity relationship model <ERM, ER model>
Entity-Relationship-Modell {n} <ERM, ER-Modell>
Heckscher-Ohlin model <H-O model>
Heckscher-Ohlin-Modell {n} <H-O-Modell>
vee-vee connection <VV connection, V-V connection>
VV-Schaltung {f}
versus {prep} <v, v., vs, vs.>gegen <geg.> [+Akk.]
additional cost model <AC model>
Zusatzkostenmodell {n}
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Übersetzung für 'V model' von Englisch nach Deutsch

V-Modell {n}comp.QMspec.

trigeminal nerve <CN V, CNV, V> [Nervus trigeminus] [fifth cranial nerve]
Trigeminus {m} <V> [kurz für: Nervus trigeminus]anat.VetMed.
vice versa {adv} <vv, v.v.>
umgekehrt <v. v.>

vice versa <v. v.>
vertical sync pulse <VSYNC / V SYNC / V-sync / V-Sync pulse>
Vertikal-Synchronimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls>electr.RadioTV

vertikaler Synchronisationsimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls>electr.RadioTV
ad valorem <a.v., AV, a/v>
ad valorem <a. v.>comm.fin.
ad valorem {adj} <a.v.> <a/v>
nach Wert
three-dimensional tumour model <3D tumour model> [Br.]
dreidimensionales Tumormodell {n} <3D-Tumormodell>med.
three-dimensional tumor model <3D tumor model> [Am.]
dreidimensionales Tumormodell {n} <3D-Tumormodell>med.
input-process-output model <IPO model, I-P-O model>
Eingabe-Verarbeitung-Ausgabe-Modell {n} <EVA-Modell, E-V-A-Modell>comp.econ.
Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model <OSI model>
OSI-Referenzmodell {n}comp.QM

OSI-Schichtenmodell {n}comp.QM
Kimura 2-parameter model <K2P model>
Kimura-2-Parameter-Modell {n}biol.
attraction-selection-attrition model <ASA model>
ASA-Modell {n}jobspsych.sociol.
finite element analysis model <FEA model>
Finite-Elemente-Methode-Modell {n} <FEM-Modell>engin.tech.
entity relationship model <ERM, ER model>
Entity-Relationship-Modell {n} <ERM, ER-Modell>comp.
Heckscher-Ohlin model <H-O model>
Heckscher-Ohlin-Modell {n} <H-O-Modell>econ.
vee-vee connection <VV connection, V-V connection>
VV-Schaltung {f}electr.
versus {prep} <v, v., vs, vs.>
gegen <geg.> [+Akk.]
additional cost model <AC model>
Zusatzkostenmodell {n}EU
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The V model, also referred to as the 0 model, is the degenerate case with an infinite number of degrees of freedom.
  • Development continued and the V model introduced the centrifugal supercharger, increasing power to 695hp (520kW).
  • Jackson modified their existing Jackson King V model for Mustaine by adding two more frets to the standard 22 fret King V.
  • The V-model is used to regulate the software development process within the German federal administration.
  • 4-wheel drive variant of SR engine series available in JDM Pulsar SR-V model.

  • In would remain in the same configuration when Fender transitioned to the American Professional Precision Bass V model in 2017 and the American Professional II Precision Bass V in 2020.
  • The 460 V8 was deleted from the Lincoln/ Mark V model line entirely, leaving the 400 V8 as the sole engine.
  • Seymour Duncan also recently designed the new Super V pickup to be featured in the Super V model.
  • In 1940 the 2007 cc 200 V (model code W149). This had a 2007 cc engine producing either [...].
  • Like the Air Jordan V model, the outsole is a mix of black and clear rubber; there is no visible air sole unit in these shoes.

  • The output of this 2.4 V model is [...] at 6000 rpm with [...] of torque at 4000 rpm.
  • ] model. A [...] Polo GTI model was also produced, but only in a limited edition in Germany, and this was the first time the GTI label had been used for a Polo.
  • In place of the discontinued V-Sport introduced in the previous generation, Cadillac is repositioning the V models as an entry-level performance variant (with CT6 V-Sport being renamed CT6-V right before launch), and introducing a new top-level V series trim dubbed; V Blackwing (after the engine used in the CT6-V), taking the place of the previous generation V models (e.g.
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