 Übersetzung für 'V2-V5' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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extrastriate area <V2-V5> [Area extrastriata]
sekundäre und tertiäre visuelle Rinde {f} <V2-V5>
extrastriate area <V2-V5> [Area extrastriata]
Area extrastriata {f} <V2-V5>
2 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!

  • Area extrastriata {f} <V2-V5> = extrastriate area <V2-V5> [Area extrastriata]
  • sekundäre und tertiäre visuelle Rinde {f} <V2-V5> = extrastriate area <V2-V5> [Area extrastriata]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The SS2 V5 variants were created to address issues on using the SS2 V2/V4.
  • State B is a loop that adds v3 to v5 and also moves v3 to v7, and state A is an outer control loop that repeats the loop in state B v2 times.
  • Since then, the Nike Free 5.0 V3 (2007), Free 5.0 V4 (2009), and Free 5.0 V5 (2013) have been released along with other models, such as the Free 3.0 V1–V5 and the Free 7.0 V1 and V2.
  • The V2 aircraft briefly wore US markings in 1946. The V2 aircraft had identification markings from the original V5 aircraft for "Operation Schatzgräber".
  • Christy "et al." asserted in a 2007 paper that the tropical temperature trends from radiosondes matches more closely with their v5.2 UAH-TLT dataset than with RSS v2.1.

  • R-peak time for right ventricle is measured from leads V1 or V2, where upper range of normal is 35 ms.
  • V2 both forwards (direct and via pulvinar) pulses to V1 and receives them.
  • The satellite hosted five sensors and/or experiments: Electric Fields (V1); Magnetic Fields (V2); Hot Plasma Particles (V3); Waves (V4), and an Auroral Imager (V5).
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