 Übersetzung für 'VA issues' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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VA issues [coll.] [Am.] [short for: Veterans Affairs issues]
[US-Kriegsveteranen betreffende Angelegenheiten]
Vatican <.va>
Vatikan {m}
Virginia <VA>
Virginien {n} [veraltet]
visual acuity <VA>
Sehstärke {f}
Vatican City <.va>
Staat {m} Vatikanstadt
volt-ampere <VA>
Voltampere {n} <VA>
visual acuity <VA>
Visus {m} <V> [Sehschärfe]
vibration analysis <VA>
Vibrationsanalyse {f}
Vorarlbergian (Alemannic) <VA>
Vorarlbergerisch {n} [Dialekt] [auch: Vorarlbergisch]
Vatican City <.va>
Vatikanstadt {f}
vertebral artery <VA> [Arteria vertebralis]
Vertebralarterie {f} <VA>
vertebral artery <VA> [Arteria vertebralis]
Wirbelarterie {f}
Department of Veterans Affairs <VA, DVA>
[US-Ministerium für Veteranenangelegenheiten]
Royal Order of Victoria and Albert <VA>
Royal Order of Victoria and Albert {m}
Virginia <VA> [The Old Dominion, Mother of Presidents]
Virginia {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
issuesFragen {pl} [politisch, gesellschaftlich]
issuesFragestellungen {pl}
issuesThemen {pl}
issuesBelange {pl}
issuesAusgaben {pl}
issuesSachverhalte {pl}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The VA works with the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness to address these issues.
  • Responsa by both the CJLS and the Va'ad Halacha are equally valid, although the Va'ad's emphasis is on issues pertaining to Israeli society.
  • VA Butler's 56-bed Domiciliary will provides residential rehabilitation for Veterans suffering from substance abuse, homelessness and behavioral health issues.
  • Forehand keeps transportation issues "on the front burner" for citizens and public officials.
  • The report does not comment on gun control or mental health issues.

  • Ecker debated against British Cultural commentator Norman Lebrecht on BBC Breakfast, which led to further invitations to debate current music issues on British media, including The Mozart Effect on LebrechtLive for BBC Radio 3 and a discussion on The Music Manifesto and music education with Julian Lloyd Webber on BBC2 TV's Lunchtime Show.
  • While he was one of the leading members of Jadidism, Bigievs provocative nature led to opposition not only from the Kadimists (nearly all issues of the Qadimist journal "Din vä Ma'ishät" include one or more articles written directly against him), but also from fellow reformers.
  • On social issues, Lynch was considered a conservative to moderate Democrat in the 2000s.
  • The CRM was changed to be able to award subsidies to a different project in case of permit issues.
  • Filner's district in south San Diego had one of the largest populations of Filipino Americans in the country, leading Filner to focus on issues relevant to the Philippines while in congress, especially Filipino veterans.

  • The Legal Department assists and represents clients with service-connected disability compensation, non-service-connected pension, character of discharge applications for basic veteran eligibility, medical care entitlement, rating increases, and overpayment issues.
  • From 2005 till 2008 he was councillor and from 2009 till 2010 deputy head of cabinet in with Flemish Vice-Minister-President Geert Bourgeois, focussing on issues such as integration policy.
  • The COE designation is awarded to facilities competitively, based on a scientific review of submitted proposals and the conformance with the following criteria: relevance of the proposed research to the Veteran population, capability of applicant to meet intended outcome of proposed research program, potential contribution of proposed research to the field of rehabilitation, long-term management of impairment, and impact on overall quality-of-life issues for Veterans with disabilities.
  • The Fleet Electronic Warfare Center (FEWC) is an organization established by Naval Network Warfare Command (NNWC) in 2008 to be the center for US Navy fleet electronic warfare (EW) operational and tactical issues.
  • Later in 2007, Coleman began to explore unresolved personal themes within "The Neon Man and Me," mainly around issues about identity and those regarding his family and their experience with the Holocaust.

  • In 2006 they released their second studio album, "DPM" on the Dro Atlantic label, which followed the lines of the first album, talking about issues that occurred at school.
  • Harvey has published eight issues of "American Splendor" to critical acclaim but little financial gain; he's still a "flunky file clerk."
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