 Übersetzung für 'VH' von Englisch nach Deutsch
variceal haemorrhage <VH> [Br.]
Varizenblutung {f}
variceal hemorrhage <VH> [Am.]
Varizenblutung {f}
venous haemorrhage <VH> [Br.]
venöse Blutung {f}
venous hemorrhage <VH> [Am.]
venöse Blutung {f}
ventricular hypertrophy <VH>
Ventrikelhypertrophie {f}
vertebral haemangioma <VH> [Br.]
Wirbelhämangiom {n}
vertebral hemangioma <VH> [Am.]
Wirbelhämangiom {n}
vitreal haemorrhage <VH> [Br.]
Glaskörperblutung {f} [des Auges]
vitreal hemorrhage <VH> [Am.]
Glaskörperblutung {f} [des Auges]
9 Übersetzungen
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  • verheiratet <verh.> <vh> <VH> = married <mar.>
  • Vorderhaus {n} <VH> = front house
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The problem was that the system was calibrated according to the Vh characteristics of polymer standards that are not directly related to the molar mass.
  • The service owns and operates three aircraft from its Sunshine Coast base: a MBB/Kawasaki BK 117 (VH-BKV), and a Eurocopter BK-117 (VH-EHQ). A Bell Longranger (VH-JOW) is based at Bundaberg.
  • The higher priced Burny electric guitars had VH-1 Gibson PAF style pickups installed from 1985 onward.
  • Valmet built 51 Vihuris in three different models in Kuorevesi and Tampere. The aircraft had the registration codes VH-1 through VH-51.
  • The Queensland Sunshine Coast Helicopter (VH-NVH) MBB Bo 105 was removed from service July 2020 for transition to Queensland Police operations (Polair), replaced by (VH-NVF) Eurocopter EC135 P2.

  • In an ideal rectangular sedimentation tank, in the settling zone, the critical particle enters at the top of the settling zone, and the settle velocity would be the smallest value to reach the sludge zone, and at the end of outlet zone, the velocity component of this critical particle are the settling velocity in vertical direction (vs) and in horizontal direction (vh).
  • After serving the Wales rescue team, VH-FHF was bought by PHS, professional helicopter services.
  • The aircraft is known under the registration VH-EBA and the plane name "City of Canberra."
  • In 1999 the band was featured on VH-1's "Where Are They Now" and in 2000 they were voted No. 29 on VH-1's "Top 40 Hair Band Countdown".
  • The SX-Aurora TSUBASA PCIe card is running in a Linux machine, the Vector Host (VH), which provides operating system services to the Vector Engine (VE).

  • At its peak Compass Mark I operated four leased Airbus A300 (VH-YMA, VH-YMB, VH-YMJ, VH-YMK) and a single A310 aircraft (VH-YMI).
  • It is presented by Dubins and Spanier in the following words:Formally, for each height "h", there is a nonatomic measure "vh" on the land, which represents the land values when the height of the Nile is "h".
  • It acquired the lease for the terrain of Shipyard vh de Weduwe A.
  • The original first-generation Aston Martin Vanquish used an advanced and complex chassis that predated the VH platform.
  • Sikorsky entered the VH-92 variant of the S-92 into the VXX competition for U.S.

  • VH-2 (Rescue Squadron 2) was one of six dedicated (VH) Rescue Squadrons of the U.S.
  • Consonant *pp becomes aspirate *ph in Proto-North but has weakened to f or vh in all other languages except Jawe and Pwapwa where it remains unchanged.
  • The VH-3D entered service in 1978. The VH-60N entered service in 1987 and has served alongside the VH-3D.
  • The VH-1DERLAND website (www.vh1.de) went online in 1995 when the programme was launched.
  • In the future, the VC-25A's will be replaced by the Boeing 747-8 derived VC-25B, and the VH-3D Sea King and VH-60N “White Hawk” helicopters will be replaced by a fleet of 23 Sikorsky S-92 based VH-92A helicopters.

  • (fh, vh) are defined as (f*kh, v*gh), which do not occur in human languages. The former, however, parallels the IPA's definition of their letter [...].
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