 Übersetzung für 'VSB' von Englisch nach Deutsch
vestigial sideband <VSB>
Restseitenband {n} <RSB>
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'VSB' von Englisch nach Deutsch

vestigial sideband <VSB>
Restseitenband {n} <RSB>electr.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • VSB-30 - "Veículo de Sondagem Booster – 30" (Booster Sounding Vehicle) or "Foguete Suborbital VSB-30" is the designation of a Brazilian sounding rocket, which replaced the Skylark rocket at "Esrange".
  • A-VSB or Advanced VSB is a modification of the 8VSB modulation system used for transmission of digital television using the ATSC system.
  • E-VSB or Enhanced VSB is an optional enhancement to the original ATSC Standards that use the 8VSB modulation system used for transmission of digital television.
  • In June 2016, the VSB announced their intention to close down Carleton, along with Graham D.
  • Vestigial-sideband modulation (VSB, or VSB-AM) is a type of modulation system commonly used in analogue TV systems.

  • In 1990, AG Group merged with Dutch company AMEV/VSB 1990, itself the product of the merger of bank VSB bank and the insurer AMEV.
  • By 1993 the VSB had hired Punjabi-speaking home-school employees, and there were after-school Punjabi classes held on VSB campuses.
  • After graduating from VSB-Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TUO), he spent most of his life devoted to brown-coal mining research in then Czechoslovakia.
  • This started with VSB from 1991 till 2004, when VSB merged with Fortis changing the name into Fortis Circustheater.
  • Certified 8-VSB Specialist (8-VSB) is a specialist title granted to an individual that successfully meets the prerequisite certification and examination requirements in the United States.

  • The VSB suffered, like many other companies, during the economic crisis of the late 1870s.
  • Anton Drexler was elected in February 1924 to the Bavarian Landtag as a representative of the VSB.
  • In summer of 2005, the ATSC published standards for Enhanced VSB, or E-VSB [...].
  • VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (abbreviated VSB–TUO; [...]) is a university in Ostrava in the Moravian-Silesian Region of the Czech Republic.
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