 Übersetzung für 'WYSIWYG' von Englisch nach Deutsch
what you see is what you get <WYSIWYG> [wirklichkeitsgetreue Darstellung auf dem Bildschirm]
1 Übersetzung
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Microsoft has utilized the term "Visual" in its previous programming products to reflect that a large degree of development in these languages can be performed by "dragging and dropping" in a traditional wysiwyg fashion.
  • WYSIWYG HTML editors provide an editing interface which resembles how the page will be displayed in a web browser.
  • Claris Home Page was one of the earliest true WYSIWYG HTML editors, developed from 1994 on.
  • The editor had several views (including text and WYSIWYG), most-notably though was the "Tags-On" view.
  • Kupu was replaced by TinyMCE as the default WYSIWYG editor for Plone CMS in version 4.

  • HTML editors that support What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) paradigm provide a user interface similar to a word processor for creating HTML documents, as an alternative to manual coding.
  • Elvis's built-in nroff (early) and (later) HTML displays gave it unusual WYSIWYG features.
  • Bravo was the first WYSIWYG document preparation program.
  • In addition a content type may provide custom widgets for the editor enabling any kind of editing capabilities and experiences including wysiwyg editing of the entire content type.
  • Social jacking can be easily implemented using Google Web Toolkit, where we can design the webpage using wysiwyg GUI builder and drag white background colored panel over the iframe window thus hiding the unnecessary information, while revealing the vulnerable buttons alone.

  • PulseCMS has a WYSIWYG content editor, media manager, gallery function, blog, and backup system.
  • For WYSIWYG editing, VisualEditor is available to use in MediaWiki which simplifying editing process for editors and has been bundled since MediaWiki 1.35.
  • TeXmacs is a free, WYSIWYG editor with similar functionalities as LaTeX, but with a different typesetting engine.
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