Übersetzung für '
Waco' von Englisch nach Deutsch
1 Übersetzung
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- Smith served as a Waco, Texas city councilman from 1973 through 1977 and as mayor of Waco in 1976.
- The WACO Classic Aircraft company (unrelated to the original Waco) began building its WACO Classic YMF in 1986, an upgraded version based on Waco's original type certified design.
- Haney worked as an instructor for a Waco-based select baseball team, the Waco Storm.
- The major daily newspaper is the "Waco Tribune-Herald". Other publications include "The Waco Citizen", "The Anchor News", "The Baylor Lariat", "Tiempo", "Wacoan", and "Waco Today Magazine".
- In June 1960, WACO-FM signed on for the first time.
- In 1986, Richfield was consolidated with two other high schools in Waco ISD — Waco High School and Jefferson-Moore High School.
- "Hawaiian Falls Waco" is located in Waco, Texas. The park is the fifth and most recent addition to the Hawaiian Falls Water park chain.
- James Edward Harrison died February 23, 1875 in Waco, Texas and is buried in First Street Cemetery in Waco.
- The WACO primary glider or simply WACO glider, was an early product of the Waco Aircraft Company. The low cost glider was intended to be flown from low hills or towed by a vehicle.
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