 Übersetzung für 'Wada test' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Wada test [less often also: Wada's test]
Wada-Test {m}
World Anti-Doping Agency <WADA>
Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur {f} <WADA>
World Anti-Doping Agency <WADA>
Internationale Anti-Doping-Agentur {f} <IADA>
maximum normed residual test <MNR test> [Grubbs' test]
Ausreißertest {m} nach Grubbs
extreme studentized deviate test <ESD test> [Grubbs' test]
Ausreißertest {m} nach Grubbs
Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena primality test <AKS primality test>
Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena-Primzahltest {m} <AKS-Primzahltest>
hamster zona-free ovum test <HZFO test> [sperm penetration assay]
Hamster-Ovum-Penetrationstest {m} <HOP-Test>
multiple sleep latency test <MSLT, MSL test>
multipler Schlaflatenztest {m} <MSLT, MSL-Test>
alternate binaural loudness balance test <ABLB test>
ABLB-Test {m} [Fowler-Test]
speech perception in noise test <SPIN test>
SPIN-Test {m} [ein Sprachverständlichkeitstest]
image quality quick test <IQ quick test>
Bildqualitäts-Quicktest {m} <BQ-Quick-Test>
multiple sleep latency test <MSLT, MSL test>
multiple Schlaflatenztestung {f} <MSLT, MSL-Test>
prostate cancer antigen 3 test <PCA3 test>
PCA3-Test {m}
flexion, abduction and external rotation test <FABER test> [also: (Patrick's) FABER test]
Patrick-Test {m} [auch: Patrick-Faber-Test] [Vierertest]
purified protein derivative test <PPD test>
PPD-Test {m}
treponema pallidum immobilization test <TPI test>
Treponema-pallidum-Immobilisationstest {m} <TPI-Test>
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test <CMH test>Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel-Test {m} <CMH-Test>
California bearing ratio test <CBR test>
California-Bearing-Ratio-Versuch {m} <CBR-Versuch>
passive leg raising test <PLR test>
Passive-Leg-Raise-Test {m}
slug mucosal irritation test <SMI test>
Nacktschnecken-Schleimhaut-Reizungs­test {m}
passive leg raise test <PLR test>
Passive-Leg-Raise-Test {m}
21 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'Wada test' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Wada test [less often also: Wada's test]
Wada-Test {m}med.

World Anti-Doping Agency <WADA>
Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur {f} <WADA>sports

Internationale Anti-Doping-Agentur {f} <IADA>sports
maximum normed residual test <MNR test> [Grubbs' test]
Ausreißertest {m} nach Grubbsstat.
extreme studentized deviate test <ESD test> [Grubbs' test]
Ausreißertest {m} nach Grubbsstat.
Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena primality test <AKS primality test>
Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena-Primzahltest {m} <AKS-Primzahltest>math.
hamster zona-free ovum test <HZFO test> [sperm penetration assay]
Hamster-Ovum-Penetrationstest {m} <HOP-Test>biol.med.
multiple sleep latency test <MSLT, MSL test>
multipler Schlaflatenztest {m} <MSLT, MSL-Test>med.

multiple Schlaflatenztestung {f} <MSLT, MSL-Test>med.
alternate binaural loudness balance test <ABLB test>
ABLB-Test {m} [Fowler-Test]audio
speech perception in noise test <SPIN test>
SPIN-Test {m} [ein Sprachverständlichkeitstest]audio
image quality quick test <IQ quick test>
Bildqualitäts-Quicktest {m} <BQ-Quick-Test>MedTech.
prostate cancer antigen 3 test <PCA3 test>
PCA3-Test {m}med.
flexion, abduction and external rotation test <FABER test> [also: (Patrick's) FABER test]
Patrick-Test {m} [auch: Patrick-Faber-Test] [Vierertest]med.
purified protein derivative test <PPD test>
PPD-Test {m}med.
treponema pallidum immobilization test <TPI test>
Treponema-pallidum-Immobilisationstest {m} <TPI-Test>med.
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test <CMH test>
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel-Test {m} <CMH-Test>
California bearing ratio test <CBR test>
California-Bearing-Ratio-Versuch {m} <CBR-Versuch>constr.
passive leg raising test <PLR test>
Passive-Leg-Raise-Test {m}med.
slug mucosal irritation test <SMI test>
Nacktschnecken-Schleimhaut-Reizungs­test {m}med.
passive leg raise test <PLR test>
Passive-Leg-Raise-Test {m}med.
  • Wada-Test {m} = Wada test [less often also: Wada's test]
  • Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur {f} <WADA> = World Anti-Doping Agency <WADA>
  • Dart-Drop-Test / Dartdrop-Test {m} [Kunststofftechnik] = dart drop test
  • Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel-Test {m} <CMH-Test> = Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test <CMH test>
  • Swinging-Flashlight-Test {m} <SFT, SWIFT-Test> = swinging flashlight test <SFT>
  • Limulus-Amöbozyten-Lysat-Test {m} <LAL-Test> = limulus amebocyte lysate test <LAL test, L.A.L. test>
  • Simmonds-Thompson-Test {m} <ST-Test> [Wadendrucktest] = Simmonds-Thompson test [also: Thompson test, Simmonds' test]
  • Nitroblau-Tetrazolium-Test {m} <NBT-Test> = nitroblue tetrazolium test <NBT test>
  • Kastle-Meyer-Test {m} <KM-Test> = Kastle-Meyer test
  • Papanicolaou-Test {m} <Pap-Test> = Babeș-Papanicolaou test
  • Test {m} = check
  • Test {m} = quiz [Am.]
  • Test {m} = test
  • Test {m} = trial
  • Test {m} = examination
  • einseitiger Test {m} = one-tailed test
  • zweiseitiger Test {m} = two-tailed test
  • PPD-Test {m} = purified protein derivative test <PPD test>
  • Mantoux-Test {m} = Mantoux test [also: Mantoux's test]
  • Doppelcrossover-Test {m} = double-crossover study
  • Hamster-Test {m} = [personality test; verbal-thematic measures, esp. for children]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • It is a treatment option for temporal lobe epilepsy for those in whom anticonvulsant medications do not control epileptic seizures, and who have frequent seizures, and who additionally qualify based on a WADA test to localize the dominant hemisphere for language module.
  • In the first three chapters, Schiffer discusses more recent "split-brain" studies, and studies in patients with intact brains using "lateralizing" devices (which first show an image to only one hemisphere), as well as other tests to assess brain activity such as the Wada test, electroencephalogram (EEG), PET scan and functional MRI scan.
  • The Wada test, also known as the intracarotid sodium amobarbital procedure (ISAP), establishes cerebral language and memory representation of each hemisphere.
  • There are two main tests available for this objective- Wada test and fMRI.
  • Juhn Atsushi Wada, OC (born March 28, 1924) is a Japanese Canadian neurologist known for research into epilepsy and human brain asymmetry, including his description of the Wada test for cerebral hemispheric dominance of language function.

  • EEG may be used to monitor the depth of anesthesia, as an indirect indicator of cerebral perfusion in carotid endarterectomy, or to monitor amobarbital effect during the Wada test.
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