 Übersetzung für 'Wadden' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Wadden Islands
Watteninseln {pl}
Wadden Sea
Wattenmeer {n}
Wadden Sea island
Wattenmeerinsel {f}
Common Wadden Sea Secretariat {CWSS}
Wattenmeersekretariat {n}
North Frisian Wadden Sea
Nordfriesisches Wattenmeer {n}
Wadden Sea Conservation Station
Schutzstation {f} Wattenmeer
Agreement on the Conservation of Seals in the Wadden Sea
Abkommen {n} zur Erhaltung der Seehunde im Wattenmeer
7 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park (...) is the smallest of the three German Wadden Sea National Parks which protect the single ecological entity of the Wadden Sea reaching from Den Helder to Esbjerg.
  • The Simplic was a cyclecar manufactured from 1914 onwards by George Wadden in Surrey, England.
  • The Agreement on the Conservation of Seals in the Wadden Sea, enforced in 1991, prohibits the killing or harassment of seals in the Wadden Sea, specifically targeting the harbor seal population.
  • The bay of Endelave is comprised by a large intertidal zone similar to the wadden sea area.
  • In front of the peninsula is the Wadden Sea which stretches between the Jade's and the Weser's mouths about 23 kilometers to the northwest beyond the Mellum island.

  • Sjørup is probably one of the least known of Djursland's beaches, even though it might be seen as the most interesting from a nature area point of view, with wadden sea vegetation, and a wide and long sandbar out in the water, that has some of the classical sandy beach virtues for beach goers.
  • The Frisian Islands, also known as the Wadden Islands or the Wadden Sea Islands, form an archipelago at the eastern edge of the North Sea in northwestern Europe, stretching from the northwest of the Netherlands through Germany to the west of Denmark.
  • "Mulinia lateralis" has been found in the European wadden sea, and has the potential to become an invasive alien species due to its high fecundity, short generation cycle of just 60 days, and broad ecological amplitudes.
  • The Wadden Sea is the second most productive ecosystem after the tropical rainforest - only the latter surpasses the Wadden Sea in terms of its living biomass.
  • The Agreement on the Conservation of Seals in the Wadden Sea is an agreement between Wadden Sea countries, aimed at protection of seals and concluded in the aegis of Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) in 1990.

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