 Übersetzung für 'Westphalia' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   Westphalia | -
Westfalen {n} <Westf., Wf.>
2 Wörter
East Westphalia
Ostwestfalen {n}
Halle (Westphalia)
Halle (Westfalen) {n}
Porta Westphalia [rare for: Porta Westfalica]
Westfälische Pforte {f}
3 Wörter
East Westphalia-Lippe
Ostwestfalen-Lippe {n}
North Rhine-Westphalia [usually shortened to NRW, official short form NW]
Nordrhein-Westfalen {n} <NRW, NW> [NW ist der Ländercode]
Peace of Westphalia [1648]
Westfälischer Friede {m}
Treaty of Westphalia [1648]
Westfälischer Frieden {m}
4 Wörter
Evangelical Church of Westphalia
Evangelische Kirche {f} von Westfalen
9 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The Gauliga Westphalia was the highest football league in the Prussian province of Westphalia and the small Free State of Lippe from 1933 to 1945.
  • Anton Berlage (born 21 December 1805, Münster, Westphalia, now North Rhine-Westphalia - 6 December 1881, Münster) was a German Catholic dogmatic theologian.
  • The Protestant Church of Westphalia (...) is a United Protestant church body in North Rhine-Westphalia.
  • Like most other territories of Germany, Westphalia suffered during the Thirty Years' War.
  • Gerleve Abbey (in German Kloster or Abtei Gerleve) is a monastery of the Benedictine Order situated between Coesfeld and Billerbeck in Westphalia (North Rhine-Westphalia), in Germany.

  • Regional buses run to Bielefeld, Gütersloh, Werther (Westphalia), Steinhagen (Westphalia), Brockhagen and Versmold.
  • Along with Eastphalia and Engern, Westphalia ("Westfalahi") was originally a district of the Duchy of Saxony.
  • The second Wüst cabinet is the current state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, sworn in on 29 June 2022 after Hendrik Wüst was elected as Minister-President of North Rhine-Westphalia by the members of the Landtag of North Rhine-Westphalia.
  • Münster is a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, where the Peace of Westphalia was signed.
  • Pewamo-Westphalia High School is a public high school in Westphalia, Michigan, United States. It is part of the Pewamo-Westphalia Community Schools district and was established in September 1961.

  • The Westphalia Football and Athletics Association ([...] , FLVW) is the umbrella organization of football and athletics clubs in the German Westphalia area, and comprises 29 districts.
  • From 1926 to 1932 he was the regional president of the Westphalian Münster Region, however, furloughed after the Putsch in Prussia.
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