 Übersetzung für 'Wyandot' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Wyandot (people)
Wyandot {pl} [indianische Stämmegruppe]
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'Wyandot' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Wyandot (people)
Wyandot {pl} [indianische Stämmegruppe]ethn.
  • Wyandot {pl} [indianische Stämmegruppe] = Wyandot (people)
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • A new town of Upper Sandusky was platted nearby the forcibly abandoned Wyandot village in 1843 and the first colonizer's house was built in 1845.
  • Trenton is home to the Wyandot Nation of Anderdon, one of four Wyandot communities in North America.
  • Steckley has become a deeply respected figure amongst the Wyandot.
  • It is located northwest of Wyandot on County Road 130, in Antrim Township, Wyandot County, Ohio.
  • Its history dates to 1674, when a group of Huron (Wyandot) fleeing war with the Iroquois settled there under the protection of the French.

  • A schoolhouse was in operation at Wyandot by 1828. A post office called Wyandot opened in 1837, and was discontinued in 1905.
  • Walker's political efforts had the objective of preventing the Wyandot from being dispossessed of their lands in Kansas as they had been in Ohio.
  • The plant is pollinated by the grizzled skipper ("Pyrgus wyandot"), a species of butterfly which is declining in numbers.
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