Übersetzung für '
X United' von Englisch nach Deutsch
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Fraser presented breakfast on XFM Scotland before it was re-branded as Radio X (United Kingdom).
- 1954-1955: Attended the IX and X United Nations General Assembly as Delegate to the fifth and sixth sessions of the United Nations Committee on Non-Self-Governing Territories, in charge of the fourth commission, Colonial Affairs.
- This lasted until September 2015, when Global announced that XFM (UK) would be rebranding as Radio X (United Kingdom).
- On 28 January 1904, with the motu proprio "Quae in Ecclesiae", Pope Pius X united the Congregation with the Congregation of Rites, and on that same day he made Cardinal Luigi Tripepi, who had been Prefect of the Congregation of Indulgences and Sacred Relics since 7 January 1903, also the Pro-Prefect of the Congregation of Rites.
- The station can be compared with Absolute Radio and Radio X (United Kingdom) in the United Kingdom.
- "Yeti" is the second studio album by German rock band Amon Düül II, first released in April 1970 on Liberty (Germany: LBS 83359/60 X; United Kingdom: LSP 101) as a double LP.
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