 Übersetzung für 'X bite' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   an X-bite | X-bites
Kreuzbiss {m}
X-ray image intensifier <X-ray I.I., X-ray II>
Röntgenbildverstärker {m} <RBV>
X / The Man With The X-Ray Eyes [Roger Corman]
Der Mann mit den Röntgenaugen
X as in X-ray [esp. Am.]
X wie Xanthippe
X for X-Ray [NATO phonetic alphabet]
X wie X-Ray [NATO-Buchstabiertafel]
X for Xmas / X-ray
X wie Xanthippe
X for Xmas / X-ray
X wie Xaver [österr.] [schweiz.]
Generation X <Gen X>
Generation {f}<Gen X>
X boson <X>
X-Boson {n} <X>
f-prime of x <f'(x)>
f-Strich von x <f'(x)>
X-ray image intensifier tube <X-ray I.I. tube, XRII tube>
Röntgenbildverstärkerröhre {f} <RBV-Röhre>
biteBissen {m}
to biteeinätzen
biteAnbiss {m}
biteInsektenstich {m}
biteBiss {m}
biteMundvoll {m}
to biteeinfressen
to bitebrennen [Haut etc.]
biteGreifen {n}
biteSarkasmus {m}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Bloodstorm's history branches from her mainstream counterpart during the events of "The Uncanny X-Men" #159, in that she was not saved from the bite of Dracula and was transformed into a vampire.
  • "Zygiella x-notata" is considered an invasive species in California, however they are not harmful to humans and they are not known to bite either.
  • The cereal is made in bite-sized pieces measuring 3/4in x 1in and is packaged in boxes weighing 0.5 kg.
  • She was part of the cast in 'Futurama': Bite My Shiny Metal X and served as a consultant on Flatland: The Movie.
  • In 2009, Druckenmiller was part of the History Channel documentary Predator X, to discuss his find in Svalbard of a pliosaur suggested to have a bite four times stronger than "Tyrannosaurus rex".

  • In the end he concludes: "Phoenix Point has double the number of teeth X-COM but a less effective bite".
  • In Tanzania, these wild-biting mosquitoes can be effectively controlled by using repellents such as Zero Bite, X-pel, and No Bite.
  • It was called "Happily N'ever After 2: Snow White Another Bite @ The Apple" and it turned out to be a very lucrative seller on DVD.
  • During an initial pass, the behemoth takes a bite out of the mini-sub, but Karnes convinces the submarine captain to have another go.
  • Also, in the same year, came a live album entitled "Thanks", which was released on We Bite Records.

  • She has directed various theater productions and the short film Bite Me which was screened in 2019 at the Mammoth Lakes Film Festival and Festival Angaelica near Washougal, Washington.
  • Tracks from the album "Sunburn" and "Bite" were later released.
  • It is transmitted through a mosquito bite; its main hosts include dogs and wild canids.
  • "Bothrops neuwiedi" is one of the main causes of snakebite in Argentina: between 1960 and 1975, according to Esteso (1985), 80% of the approximately 500 cases reported each year were attributed to "B.
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