| NOUN | an X-ray astronomer | X-ray astronomers |
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- Named after physicist and astronomer Sir Isaac Newton, the spacecraft is tasked with investigating interstellar X-ray sources, performing narrow- and broad-range spectroscopy, and performing the first simultaneous imaging of objects in both X-ray and optical (visible and ultraviolet) wavelengths.
- Herbert Friedman (June 21, 1916 – September 9, 2000) was an American physicist and astronomer who did research in X-ray astronomy.
- Ann Hornschemeier is an American astronomer specializing in X-ray emission from X-ray binary populations.
- It is one of about 150 globular clusters discovered by the French astronomer Agop Terzan in the 1960s-70s, belonging to the Milky Way. Terzan 1 is also an X-ray source.
- J. Garrett Jernigan was an American physicist and astronomer who has made notable contributions to space astronomy, particularly in the areas of X-ray and infrared instrumentation.
- Michiel Baldur Maximiliaan van der Klis (born 9 June 1953) is a Dutch astronomer best known for his work on extreme 'pairings' of stars called X-ray binaries, more particularly his explanation of the occurrence of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in these systems and his co-discovery of the first millisecond X-ray pulsar.
- Astronomer John Middleditch and his team at LANL have become the first people to predict starquakes; and observe magnetic pole drift on a pulsar; using this pulsar with observational data from Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer.
- GRB 970508 was detected by the Gamma Ray Burst Monitor on the Italian–Dutch X-ray astronomy satellite BeppoSAX. Astronomer Mark Metzger determined that GRB 970508 occurred at least 6 billion light years from Earth; this was the first measurement of the distance to a gamma-ray burst.
- Weaver (born April 19, 1964 in Morgantown, West Virginia) is an American astrophysics astronomer and professor.
- The binary nature of this system was discovered in 1918 by the English astronomer Joseph Lunt.
- This motion was studied in the 2nd century BC by astronomer Hipparchus of Rhodes, and it is speculated that he may have been consulted in the machine's construction.
- The visible star was later named after its discoverer, Poland astronomer Wojtek Krzemiński.
- Explaining their discovery in 2005 of a powerful bursting radio source, NRL astronomer Dr.
- Betty Louise Turtle (née Webster Webster in published works) (20 May 1941 - 29 September 1990) was an Australian astronomer and physicist.
- Jürgen Schmitt is a German astronomer and physicist at the University of Hamburg, where he is a professor of astrophysics.
- Jonathan Christopher McDowell (born 1960) is an astronomer and astrophysicist at the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
- It is named after its discoverer, astronomer Jay Lockman.
- Caleb Asa Scharf is a British-born astronomer and the director of the multidisciplinary Columbia Astrobiology Center at Columbia University, New York.
- Katharine Reeves is an astronomer and solar physicist who works at the Center for Astrophysics [...] Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA).
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