| NOUN | an X-ray department | X-ray departments |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- He was appointed 2nd Lieutenant and he took charge of the X-Ray Department in the Military Hospital of Asunción.
- Today only the X-ray department of the Sanatorium is left.
- The hospital has a small x-ray department with a full-time radiographer who also provides an electrocardiography and pregnancy ultrasound scanning service. There is a 24-hour minor injury unit.
- and entered the surgical department of the Liberec Hospital, where he transferred to the X-ray department after two years.
- In 1922 Abreu returned to Brazil and accepted a post as the head of the X-Ray Department at the Federal public health service for the prophylaxis of tuberculosis in Rio de Janeiro.
- In 1899, only four years after x-ray was discovered, an x-ray facility was opened, by 1939 boasting an extensive X-ray department for the treatment of cancer.
- This pavilion-plan hospital extension (which contained two new operating theatres, an x-ray department and other modern facilities) opened just before the outbreak of war in 1914.
- The X-ray department at Lund University Hospital had all their four layer X-ray machines disabled for several hours and had to redirect emergency X-ray patients to a nearby hospital.
- Her sister, Elvira Dean, was hired to run the X-ray department.
- He then worked as a university lecturer at the University of Vienna until he returned to the Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin in 1937 as the head of the X-ray department.
- An old X-ray department at the hospital was decontaminated and converted into a storage department at a cost of £40,000, and a taxi company was contracted to move the records between sites.
- A new nurses' home and a new x-ray department was officially opened by Minister of Lands, Seán Flanagan, in the presence of the President of Ireland, Éamon de Valera, in 1972.
- He took his examen artium at Aars og Voss skole in 1888. He was hired as the manager of the x-ray department at Rikshospitalet in 1899. He took his dr.med. degree at the University of Oslo in 1910.
- Menzies served as director from 1934–1956 and oversaw ongoing capital improvements to the wards and treatment facilities, including the construction and installation of an operating room, X-ray department and sterilizing equipment in 1936; prior to this, patients had to be transferred to the General Hospital.
- Also a new Pharmacy, which allowed the overrun Outpatient and Casualty Department to be separated into two distinct departments.
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