 Übersetzung für 'X-brace' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   an X-brace | X-braces
X-Strebe {f} [Gitarre]
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'X-brace' von Englisch nach Deutsch

X-Strebe {f} [Gitarre]mus.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The Laguna Seca model loses its rear seats, which are replaced by a cross-car X-brace to increase structural rigidity approximately 10%.
  • Part of that material now forms the X-brace on the interior of "Voyageur", the guitar at the heart of the project.
  • It gets its name from the fact that the wrapping turns cross the poles diagonally and is used to spring poles together where they do not touch as in the X-brace of a trestle.
  • alloy wheels, is lowered two inches from the factory and included an X-Brace suspension package.
  • steel tubing with a central X-brace. The rear suspension was a custom-made De Dion tube.

  • The Wes Montgomery model has a single "Classic 57" pickup in the neck position, and an X-brace supporting the top, in the tradition of earlier braces used in the construction of the all-acoustic L-5s.
  • The foldable X-brace allows for storage and transport and allows the seat width to be adjustable.
  • The tops of most steel string acoustic guitars are braced using the X-brace system, or a variation of the X-brace system, generally attributed to Christian Frederick Martin between 1840 and 1845 for use in gut string guitars.
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